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Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 18:51 Reply with quote Back to top



Image Image 0-1 Chuck Norris MA 6 ST na AG na AV na

Skills = 'Being Chuck Norris'

If an opposing player is in Chuck Norris's Tacklezone they get knocked back D3 squares back and suffer an automatic Casualty Roll. (Stunty players get knocked back D6 squares back and Titchty players get knocked back 2D6 squres) If the knocked back player passes through any of his Team mates squares they get knocked down and must make an Armour Roll.

Chuck Norris automatically passes all Agility Rolls.

Chuck Norris automatically scores if enters the Endzone even if he doesn't have the ball.

If Chuck Norris is targeted with a Fireball or Lightning Bolt he will kick it back at the opposing Teams dugout causing all reserves to make an Injury Roll.

When Chuck Norris Kicks Off the ball will land wherever he wants it to. If the ball lands on a player that player must make a Casualty Roll.

Image Image 0-1 The Schwarzenegger MA5 ST10 AG1 AV12

Skills = Regeneration, Time Travel, Total recall

Time Travel - He move the Turn Counter back to any time during the game and place himself anywhere on the board. Although he tends to appear there Naked. (Which also gives him Foul Appearance and Disturbing Presence).

Total Recall - He automatically learns any skill that has been used at least once during a match. After the match his mind gets wiped and he loses all learnt skills.

Regeneration - Cause he'll be back.

Image Image 0-1 JCVD MA6 ST4 AG4 AV7

Skills - Kick, Split Kick, '360' Kick,

Kick - JCVD will always Kick the ball instead of Throwing it.

Split kick - If at any time 2 opposing players are on opposite sides of JCVD he will unleash the Split Kick knocking both players down as if they had been blocked with Mighty Blow.

'360' Kick - JCVD automatically Injures the player he is blocking. Roll on the Casualty table. (Can only be used in the last Turn of the Game).

Image Image 0-1 Bruce Lee MA 7 ST 5 AG 5 AV na

Skills = Flows Like Water, One Inch Punch

Flows Like Water - When Bruce Lee Blocks an opponent he will automatically knock them down and move into their square. If another opposing player is now next to Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee will also Block them. This will continue until there are no more opponents next to Bruce Lee.

One Inch Punch - Bruce Lee can Block an opposing Player who will get pushed back 1D6 squares. This Block will automatically Injure an opposing Player (make a Casualty Roll). Any Player in the path of the knocked back Player will get knocked down and have to make an Armour Roll.

Image Image 0-1 Stallone MA 5 ST 7 AG 1 AV 10

Skills = Eye of the Tiger, First Blood, Punching Bag

Eye of the Tiger - Rocky can only cause injuries if he is first KO'd then returns to the Pitch

First Blood - If Stallone is injured and healed by the apothecary, anyone he knocks down for the rest of the game must make a roll on the casualty table immediately.

Punching Bag - During the 1st half of the game every time Stallone is Blocked it will reduce his ST and AV by 1. During the 2nd half every time Stallone is Blocked it will increase Stallones ST and AV by 1.

Image Image 0-1 Eastwood MA 5 ST 5 AG 3 AV 10

Skills = Dirty Harry, Do I Feel Lucky?, Fistful of Dollars

Dirty Harry - When Eastwood Fouls a player they must make an automatic Injury Roll. (Eastwood cannot be sent off)

Do You Feel Lucky? - When Eastwood Blocks an opposing Lineman he will draw his Smith & Wesson Model 29 and ask the Lineman. 'You've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?'. The Lineman then Rolls a D6 on 1-5 the Lineman doesn't feel Lucky and retires to the Reserves Box. On a Roll of 6 Eastwood shoots the lineman, make an automatic Casualty Roll.

Fistful of Dollars - Eastwood cannot be Blocked by positionals until the 2nd half of the game, as they don't know which side he's on until then.

Image Image 0-1 Carl Weathers MA 6 ST 6 AG 3 AV 10

Skills - Getting a Stew On, Token Black Guy

Getting a Stew On - Carl Weathers can make a Stew out of anything, as result he acts like a Halfling Master Chef for the Team.

Token Black Guy - At the start of the 2nd half roll 1D6. After that many turns have been played Carl Weathers will suffer an Injury (usually fatal). This will inspire the Team on to Victory. All rerolls are returned and at the Final whistle an extra Touchdown is added to the Teams score.

Image Image 0-1 Kurt Russel MA 6 ST 4 AG 3 AV 10

Skills = Beneath The Patch, Deathproof, It's All In The Reflexes

Beneath The Patch - Once per game Kurt Russel can show an opponent what's beneath the patch.
-Roll a D6 on a Roll of 1 remove the opponent to the Reserves Box.
-On a Roll of 2-5 the opposing Player is placed in the Casualty Box due to shock. The affected Player will now have to roll a D6 before every game. On a Roll of 1 the Player will Flashback and will refuse to take part in the game.
-On a Roll of 6 the opposing Player will leave the Pitch and wander off in daze and wont be seen again.

Deathproof - Kurt Russel can not be hurt. All Injury Rolls result in Kurt Russel being Stunned.

It's All In The Reflexes - If the ball lands in Kurt Russels square (from a pass, bouncing ball etc...) he can do an automatic quick pass ignoring tackle zones.

Image Image 0-1 Bruce Campbell MA 6 ST 5 AG 3 AV 10

Skills = Boomstick, Chainsaw,If Chins Could Kill

Boomstick - When Blocking any Undead Player Bruce Campbell will automatically pull out his Boomstick and blow the undead scum back to hell. Place Undead Player in Casualty Box.

Chainsaw - As Chainsaw but it hits at +6 and never kicks back.

If Chins Could Kill - If an opposing Player Blocks Bruce Campbell and rolls a Both Down they must make an immediate Casualty Roll. As their fist has just struck Bruce Campbells Chin (Ouch!).

Image Image 0-1 Kirk Douglas MA 5 ST 6 AG 2 AV10

Skills = I'm Spartacus, Whale of a Tale

I'm Spartacus - At the start of the 2nd half Kirk Douglas rolls a D6. After that many turns all linemen on the pitch declare themselves Spartacus and will now play as if on Spartacus's side with +2 to St and AV.

Whale of a Tale - Kirk Douglas enchants everyone with an elaborate song-and-dance number. Opposition players may do nothing but clap during Kirk Douglas's next move.

Image Image 0-1 Seagal MA 5 ST 5 AG 2 AV na

Skills = Fast Hands, Hard To Kill, Judo Throw

Fast Hands - Seagal can use hi Fast Hands Skill to Hypnotize an opposing Player. Roll a D6 for the Player. This is how long they are Hypnotized.

Hard To Kill - No matter how hard an opposing Player tries to Block Seagal they will never be able to hit him.

Judo Throw - Seagal will always Block his opponent with a Judo Throw. The Judo Throw will place the opposing Player on the opposite side of Seagal to where they were. Seagal can choose to do a Chop to the neck after the Judo Throw as a foul +3 to Armour and Injury Rolls. (Seagal cannot get sent of for this follow up Chop).

ImageImage 0-1 Bruce Willis MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 8

Skills = Die Hard, Quizical Smirk, Yippie Ki Yay Kimosabe

Die Hard - Bruce Willis is hard to kill. Bruce Willis can only be Stunned or Knocked Out.

Quizical Smirk - before being blocked Bruce Willis may use his Quizical Smirk, forcing his attacker to fear the worst and reconsider. The Block may only be made after rolling 5+.

Yippie Ki Yay Kimosabe - If Burce Willis is successfully knocked down he will shout in a badly dubbed voice "Yippie Ki Yay Kimosabe" and will remain prone for the rest of the half. His attacker is immediatly shot and makes an injury roll. Until the end of the half the closest opponent at the start of each turn is also shot.

ImageImage 0-1 Harrison Ford MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 9

Skills = Human or Replicant, Shoot First, Whip Swing

Human or Replicant - Once per half Harrison Ford can use the Human or replicant skill at the start of the opposing Teams drive. All Players on the opposing Team that have a Team member standing in an adjacent square will stop what they are doing and argue whether Harrison Ford is a Human or a Replicant and can make no other actions that turn.

Shoot First - If an opposing Player tries to block Harrison Ford he will Shoot First. Make an Injury Roll for the blocking Player. If the Injury Roll causes a KO or higher place the Player in the appropiate Box in the Dugout otherwise Harrison Ford misses and the Player can Block as normal.

Whip Swing - Harison Ford can use his Whip to avoid Big Guys or Secret Weapons trying to Block him. Roll a D6 on a 1 he fails the Swing otherwise move Harrison ford 2 squares away from the Blocking player.

Image Side View to Follow 0-1 Dolph Lundgren MA 5 ST 8 AG 2 AV 11

Skills = Power Of Greyskull, Punishment, To The End

Power of Greyskull - Dolph Lundgren can use the Power of Greyskull once per game and transform into He-Man Image. Once the skill is activated roll a D6 +2 this is the amount of time Dolph Lundgren will stay as He-Man. His stats will be MA 5 ST 12 AG 4 AV 12 for the duration of the skill.

Punishment - If Dolph Lundgren causes a Casualty whilst not in He-Man form it will always be a Kill.

To The End - When Dolph Lundgren Blocks or gets Blocked by an opponent they will continue Blocking until one of them leaves the pitch. Both players will lose 1 AV a Turn whilst Blocking eachother. (AV returns to normal when either one of them leaves the pitch).

Image 0-1 Three Dragons - Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao


Jackie Chan MA 6 ST 4 AG 4 AV 9
Sammo Hung MA 5 ST 5 AG 3 AV 9
Yuen Biao MA 6 ST 3 AG 5 AV 9

Skills Three Dragons = Dragons Forever,
Skills Jackie Chan = Drunken Master, Who Am I?
Skills Sammo Hung = Enter the Fat Dragon,
Skills Yuen Biao = Acrobat, Prodigal Son,

Acrobat - Yuen Biao is a Master Acrobat, treat him as if he has Dodge, Leap and Side Step. He can Leap more than once per Turn and if he gets Blocked he can choose to Leap over the Blocking Player instead of using Side Step. (No dice Roll is needed for this Leap and Tackle does not cancel Dodge for Yuen Biao).

Dragons Forever = If the Three Dragons are witin 3 squares of eachother at any time during the game they will get into an argument which will draw in all opposing players. All opponents must move towards the Three Dragons. On the following turn a mass brawl will break out involving the Three Dragons and all opposing Players within 5 squares of a Dragon. Roll a D6 for all opposing Players. 1-3 they are Stunned and need to be placed prone, on a 4-6 they have been Knocked Out. Roll a D6 for each Dragon as well. If a Dragon Rolls a 1 he has been Knocked Out, on a 2-5 he has been Stunned and on a Roll of 6 he remains standing.

Drunken Master - If you're drunk when you control Jackie Chan all his actions will automatically suceed.

Enter The Fat Dragon - Sammo Hung can try to attempt one of Bruce Lees skills. Roll a D6 on a Roll of 1-2 he fails to use the Skill. On a Roll of 3-6 he will suceed.

Prodigal Son - Yuen Biao is The Prodigal Son. If at any time a player on your Team gets injured in anyway Yuen Biao will fly into a rage and hunt down the Player who caused the Injury. If he manages to block the Player it will automatically hit, make a Casualty Roll for him.

Who Am I? - Jackie Chan has taken 1 too many knocks in his career. As a result he will lose concentration and forget who he is and what he is doing. Treat Jackie Chan as if he has the Really Stupid Skill. (If Jackie Chan is within 2 squares of another Dragon he will automatically pass the dice roll).

0-1 Image Christopher Lambert MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 8

Skills = Lord Of The Jungle, There Can Be Only One, Thunder God,

Lord Of The Jungle - Due to growing up in the Jungle Christopher Lambert has taken on the mantle of Lord of the Jungle. Amazon Players and those with Wild Animal Skill cannot Block Christopher Lambert.

There Can Be Only One - At the start of the game Roll a dice randomly selecting a Player on the opposing Team. This Player is an Immortal after the prize like Christopher Lambert. Both Christopher Lambert and the opposing Immortal will always regenerate any injurys including death unless to another Immortal. When Christopher Lambert comes within 2 squares of the selected Player he will draw a sword and claim 'There can be only one'. Both players will now fight to the death. Make alternate Armour Rolls for both Christopher Lambert and the opposing Player if it beats the armour make an Injury Roll. If the Injury Roll is a Casualty on the opposing Player, Christopher Lambert will chop off the players head and absorb the playes ST to his for the remainder of the game. If the Injury Roll is KO or below nothing happens. If the Injury Roll is a Casualty on Christopher Lambert make a Casualty Roll as normal. All Rolls apart from death are ignored. If Christopher Lambert is killed in this way the opposing Player will get Christopher Lamberts ST added to his for the rest of the game. If the opposing survives the game he will gain the skill 'There Can Be Only One'. (Christopher Lambert is the only Immortal that can survive a Badly Hurt or Serious Injury Roll).

Thunder God - Christopher Lambert is a Thunder God and as such can shoot Lightning Bolts out of his fingertips. Unless duelling another Immortal Christopher Lambert can choose to Lightning Bolt an opponent. (This Lightning Bolt is the same as a Wizards Lightning Bolt)

0-1 Image Antonio Banderas MA 6 ST 3 AG 3 AV 9

Skills = El MAriachi, Matador, The Mask of Zorro,

El Mariachi - Once per game Antonio Banderas can choose to shoot his machine gun guitar case at the opposing Team. Roll 2D6 for each opposing Player on the pitch. If this dice roll beats a Players Movement place the Player prone and make an Injury Roll for them.

Matador - If an opposing Player dies in adjacent square to Antonio Banderas he will faint from seeing all the Blood. Remove Antonio Banderas to the Reserves Box.

The Mask of Zorro - Antonio Banderas is also Zorro a masked outlaw fighting for the opressed. As such Linemen will refuse to Block Antonio Banderas. In fact they will aslo assist him when he is being Blocked if in a position to do so.


Last edited by cowhead on %b %17, %2013 - %15:%Dec; edited 17 times in total

Joined: Jul 10, 2009

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 18:59 Reply with quote Back to top

It's simple, and brilliant, however, the roster could use some linemen.

Perhaps a team based on the upcoming Expendables 2 (which Chuck is clearly the star of) would be in order.

then you can add...

Van Damme

and others I can't come up with off the top of my head

Joined: Aug 21, 2008

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:00 Reply with quote Back to top

He seems a bit slow and you didn't price him. Wink

Joined: May 27, 2009

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:08 Reply with quote Back to top

thanks for making me lough...

Joined: Dec 08, 2011

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:19 Reply with quote Back to top

What if you pick 0 Chucks? o.O

Joined: Mar 23, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:23 Reply with quote Back to top

This reminds me of the old Strigoyn Lord. Wink

Might I suggest: If Chuck Norris comes within 6 squares of a player with the Fend skill; that player goes straight to the RIP box. The sploosh noise is made in the FFB client seven times to make the point.

Good stuff!

Last edited by Purplegoo on %b %08, %2012 - %19:%Aug; edited 1 time in total

Joined: Jul 24, 2012

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:24 Reply with quote Back to top

A Chuck Norris joke? In 2012? Really?

Joined: Mar 23, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:31 Reply with quote Back to top

Best get them in before the world ends, I suppose.

Joined: Aug 02, 2003

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:34 Reply with quote Back to top

If you pick 0 Chucks, Chuck picks you..

Joined: Aug 10, 2008

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:55 Reply with quote Back to top

So you have to kinda have to wait for a throw a rock kick off result. Also a passing team can score against Chuck.

Joined: May 13, 2007

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 19:59 Reply with quote Back to top

Van Damme is no lino!!!!

Joined: Sep 10, 2010

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 20:16 Reply with quote Back to top

Van damme should have the kick skill Smile

-Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does milk.
-The early bird catches the worm, but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Joined: Mar 24, 2009

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 21:23 Reply with quote Back to top

best 'special' roster i have seen yet

Thank you.

Joined: Nov 23, 2004

Post   Posted: Aug 08, 2012 - 21:57 Reply with quote Back to top

This roster is only allowed because you bothered to make the icon.

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. -C.S. Lewis

Joined: Oct 22, 2006

Post   Posted: Aug 09, 2012 - 16:45 Reply with quote Back to top

Got a new player for the Team

Image Image

0-1 The Schwarzenegger MA5 ST10 AG1 AV12

Skills = Regeneration, Time Travel, Total recall

Time Travel - He move the Turn Counter back to any time during the game and place himself anywhere on the board. Although he tends to appear there Naked. (Which also gives him Foul Appearance and Disturbing Presence).

Total Recall - He automatically learns any skill that has been used at least once during a match. After the match his mind gets wiped and he loses all learnt skills.

Regeneration - Cause he'll be back.


Last edited by cowhead on %b %09, %2012 - %18:%Aug; edited 1 time in total
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