Joined: Nov 03, 2023
Nov 18, 2023 - 17:18 |
Good day ever helpful fumbbl community!
Looking for help with BOs specifically experience with mass might blow.
Playing with NWC skill list so 7primary and 1 secondary.
I'm thinking about just going 6 mightyblow, 1 guard troll and sure hands goblin.
Will this work or should I stick with block/guards?
Thanks! |
Joined: Mar 30, 2005
Nov 18, 2023 - 18:06 |
Joined: Oct 11, 2022
Nov 18, 2023 - 18:25 |
I think it could be fun, the the problem with going mass MB is that you’ll have games where you’re either removing a lot of pieces or potentially none at all. It might feel a bit swingy depending on your dice. |
Joined: Jan 27, 2018
Nov 18, 2023 - 19:01 |
I had a lot of fun with a similar skill allowance and 1150k roster, with the following
Leader Troll
6x guard bobs
7 gobs (one of them sneaky git)
3 rerolls
You can swap leader for pro or block
Mass mb needs Oppo to be always basing, otherwise you are using your 6 skills once or twice per turn at best, excluding turn 1 of your offence |
_________________ Vlad Von Carstein's door-to-door evangelist |
Joined: Mar 18, 2021
Nov 18, 2023 - 23:40 |
I think blorcs have been performing relatively well in tournaments lately with guard spam then a fouling goblin. Your removals come from passing targets to middle of your bob guard blob then stepping on them. |
Joined: Sep 30, 2022
Nov 19, 2023 - 08:38 |
Look at this team of mine:
The whole plan is for all to have mighty blow, and I've counted up the difference it makes. They now have 4 blorcs with MB. Overall the team has done ok but not really down to the mighty blow. One game against dwarves I scored 15 knock downs with mighty blow and it didn't make a difference on a single roll. On another against wood elves again 15 hits and made minimal difference. Somehow the team as a whole has had more cas scored against it than for it. Now don't get me wrong, when the skill means that a hit causes a cas but without it armour wouldn't have been broken it feels vindicated, but still this is pretty rare.
Update - just played nurgle and scored 16 knock downs with mighty blow. It made a difference on 4 of the hits.
In summary I like the idea and when it works it can make a game easy. It roughly doubles the removal rate. but it doesn't do as well as having a load of guard on them. |
Joined: Mar 18, 2022
Nov 19, 2023 - 20:08 |
Black orcs need to take block eventually. I was building a guard-tackle machine that has since collapsed. However, the main point of using black orcs is removal through fouling. Whether or not you break armor through MB or you must use grab to drag the opponent's players to foul them with goblins. If not the roster is just a weaker lizardmen squad by a great degree. |
_________________ An Amorican Nuffler that bashed in his youth. |
Joined: Aug 10, 2018
Nov 19, 2023 - 21:58 |
Guard is for weak coaches who don't deserve Nuffle's blessings and need to resort to something like Sudoko but less interesting to bring their opponents down. Mighty Blow isn't quite as bad, but let's face it, you don't need it to break armour or get injuries, you need to concentrate on rolling better. Similarly Tackle is a waste because either the other team doesn't have any Dodge to negate, or else you should just concentrate on rolling more pows. The right choice is always Frenzy, and the problem with most Black Orc teams is they can't take it on most of their positionals. |
Joined: Aug 15, 2003
Nov 20, 2023 - 11:43 |
My league Black Orcs from a pretty competitive SWL:
Despite everyone's thinking Brawler is a good substitute, its not. I would take Block as first skill each every time. Yes, Guard is good and yes it aids fouling but you cant foul if you're falling down yourself.
Mighty Blow in tournament settings is a wasted skill. You will get removals via block and grab (and fouls) and most tourney teams have 11-12 players anyway. Black Orcs need to remove players but thinking Mighty Blow first in my view is a big mistake. |
Joined: Feb 03, 2023
Nov 20, 2023 - 15:40 |
I agree with Clayinfinity, Block is a priority. I would take Block on at least 3-4 BOs and then you can take some mix of Guard, Wrestle, and Tackle on the others. Maybe one with MB if you really want.
The main problems with Brawler are that it doesn’t help on defense, and it doesn’t help on your blitz (which will sometimes be the only block you throw on your turn). Block will save you rerolls and end up giving you more chances to throw blocks (because your Black Orcs won’t start the turn on the ground).
I like Guard on the Troll (so you can get value from it without needing to activate it) and Sneaky Git on a goblin. |
Joined: Aug 18, 2003
Nov 20, 2023 - 20:25 |
This is my team from the BBT a few seasons ago. Unfortunately, quite a few black orcs died towards the end of the run (and the strip ball was a postgame 15 random!)
I never picked mighty blow as a first skill. Guard is more useful. Blorcs can become very oppressive for most teams with lots of guard. Having a couple of blockers increases reliability.
My current super league team has 4 guard, 2 block and a sneaky git goblin.
I generally avoid the troll, but I think I'm very much in the minority on that account. |
Joined: Nov 03, 2023
Nov 21, 2023 - 02:39 |
Thank you all for the valuable insight!
I'm gonna be playing in a resurrections-on tournament and after reading all the comments I'm leaning towards:
1 troll
4 Block orcs
2 Guard orcs
1 sneaky git/dirty player+1 gob
5 gobs
3 rr
1 apo
I'm not even sure if 1 primary can be stacked with 1 secondary per world cup rules and its risky af hehe
Maybe change to 1 guard troll and 1 surehands gob after I review the numbers. 1/6 to roll doubles is pretty iffy. |
Joined: Oct 12, 2013
I took BOrcs to Greenstone Cup this year (NZ's oldest tournament, est. 2004).
BOrc tier was 6 primary skills, and 1 secondary. 1150 budget.
I was to bring:
4x Block BOrcs
2x Guard Borcs
1x Block goblin
6x rookie goblins
3 rerolls
A last minute change, had me remove a Guard, and put sneaky git on a goblin instead. Best decision. I won the tournament. |