The Grotty Little Newspaper is the newsletter of the FUMBBL site. It contains the latest news about the Blood Bowl game, madcap interviews with players on FUMBBL teams, invaluable team tactics articles from some of the world's top coaches, fan fiction, in-depth analysis of important matches, player obituaries, classified ads... in fact, everything that a Blood Bowl coach wants to read! All material is contributed by you and your fellow FUMBBL coaches. Past GLN editors include Cusi, m0nty, Mnemon, Mezir, Candlejack, Ro, Kam and Purplegoo.
Issue #18
Issue #18 - September 5th, 2522
Highlights: Tactics, Aunty answers your agonising questions, The Great Troll Vomit Soundbite Competition, Cooking for lonely middle aged men and loads more.
Issue #17
Issue #17 - September 1st, 2516
Highlights: Interview ith Christer, games, the tactical insight of Legendary coaches and a window into the crazy mind of a Goblin coach or two.
Issue #16
Issue #16 - May 26th, 2515
Highlights: tactics, tactics, and tactics again!
News topics: YouTube!, coding bios, Goblin etikett
Tactics: Dirty Tricks, fouling, positioning
Issue #15 - December 24th, 2514
Highlights: RTTNAF, cooking lessons, Goblin charities
News topics: Drawing lessons, anger management issues, leagues, beta testing
Issue #14
Issue #14 - January 3rd, 2512
Highlights: Major Tournament Statistics, Painting Pixels Round 2
News topics: Zombie Invasions, Leagues and another voice on Balance
Tactics: Coaching Like Goblins
Issue #13
Issue #13 - August 28th, 2511
Highlights: A Rant on balance, GLT winners, Mathematical star values and FUMBBL Awards
News topics: Behaviour in #fumbbladmin, Majors Round Up, everyone's favourite agony aunt
Issue #12
Issue #12 - February 9th, 2511
Highlights: FFB coaches on the couch consider new and changed skills for CRP, Manbush reveals what made him such a Legend and Zen Master Fouler, and an updated Cool Wall from Clarksongoo.
News topics: Site transition, Busy Owners, everyone's favourite agony aunt, and FUMBBL Badges
Issue #11b
Issue #11b - December 24th, 2510
Merry Christmas one and all!
Issue #11
Issue #11 - November 14th, 2510
Highlights: Christer unveils the future of the site in a new FFB era, FFB coaches on the couch and ways to brighten up your team biographies with HTML
News topics: On FFB changes, Coach psycology, and everyone's favourite agony aunt
Issue #10
Issue #10 - August 13th, 2510
Highlights: The Revival Continues! Featuring an exclusive interview with the Grotty Little Tournament Winner, Discussion on a new art, icon painting, and an interview with Tom Anders
News topics: On Art, Smack Tournaments, and everyone's favourite agony aunt
Tactics: Human, Slann and Zen Noobism
Issue #9
Issue #9 - May 6th, 2510
Highlights: The Revival! Featuring an exclusive interview with the Ulthuan Invitational Winner, a couch of [B] coaches and an interview with Kalimar
News topics: On Cheerleaders, a Grotty Little Challenge, and The Grotty Little Tournament
Tactics: Stars, Underworld and Dwarven Defence
Issue #8 - September 17, 2506
Highlights: Featuring an exclusive interview with the current [R]anked Tournament Director, discussions galore about Majors and Minors, and an all new Race Profiler for those of us who just can't choose what to play next.
News topics: On the death of players, how to achieve it and at what time, and how to select an easy match for it...
Tactics: Humans and Dwarfs
Issue #7
Issue #7 - May 8, 2506
Highlights: This issue features several articles about official FUMBBL tournaments - including a play-by-play wrap-up of the inaugural Warpstone Open Final! Further, a number of episodical articles are concluded or continued in this issue, both in short fiction and tactics.
News topics: The introduction of the Academy division.
Tactics: Vampire and Wood Elf.
Issue #6
Issue #6 - February 27, 2506
Highlights: The "late" issue, with several tournament round-ups and a two-part Gobbo's Tale special. How does the little grot's foray into the dangerous world of Blood Bowl continue?
News topics:The state of Ladder, and tying the loose ends of the FUMBBL Cup.
Tactics: Wood Elf, Legends and Linos.
Issue #5 - January 20, 2505
Highlights: The "lost" issue and a tribute to Cusi.
News topics: An interview with SkiJunkie, JavaBB's creator.
Tactics: Wood Elf, Stunty Leeg Races, Orcs.
Issue #4
Issue #4 - January 3, 2504
Highlights: FUMBBL's first birthday! Lots more team tactics articles, as well as some excellent articles on drug use on FUMBBL and the secret letters of a star gutter runner.
News topics: Possible demise of Division X.
Tactics: Elf, Stunty Leeg, Caging, Crowd Surfing.
Issue #3
Issue #3 - December 18, 2503
Highlights: Apart from the comprehensive Rules Review special section, there were some very good "fluff" articles this issue, including a stadium tour and an interview with an emasculated minotaur.
News topics: The 2003 Rules Review released: Undead reprieved!
Tactics: Necromantic.
Issue #2
Issue #2 - November 16, 2503
Highlights: The humour of Blood Bowl was at the forefront in this issue, with the tale of BLOODKILLERMACHO and the Cult of Kuffarooh. First appearances by Grum's Grudging Grumbles and Vocal Population, as well as a cracking FUMBBL Match of the Week.
News topics: Not much was happening in the news this issue.
Tactics: Halflings, Fan Factor, Fouling.
Issue #1
Issue #1 - November 2, 2503
Highlights: Debut issue! Including the first appearances of many of the regular features, like Admin Corner, interviews by Helmut and Under the Bowl. Also a very good guide to starting and running successful tournaments on FUMBBL.
News topics: The upcoming 2003 Rules Review, including the possible demise of the Undead roster.
Tactics: Goblins.