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 Issue 10 - August 13th 2510
Wheel Of Chaos Report
by Calthor

The following coaches were interviewed the moment after they had won their qualifier final.


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Champion of Khorne?

Clearly we were chosen by the god of blood! He incited our fans, the team and even me! In our first match, the fans stormed the pitch right at the kick-off, right at the start of the 2nd half and in the beginning of the over time. Each time they removed the ref, so that we could deliver a whopping 10 casualties for them - against orcs! Second match the team earned their blessing from Khorne by inflicting a casualty on every single wood elf the opponent had in their team - including their freebooter. Well.. they got every elf, but one, because one line elf was pushing into our fans where he was shredded to pieces! In the final, the fans once again removed the ref, but a nasty blitz by the opposing star beast removed both our DPs. So it was up to the rest of the team to play a brilliant defense, scoring a knockdown in nearly every single block and gaining the ball for an early lead. None of the KOs recovered - EVER, making them casualties in disguise and the second half a walk in the park. So to sum up:
First match - Fan POWER! - Ten casualties!
Second match - Team POWER! and Fan POWER! - Ten casualties!
Final match - Team POWER! - Ten casualties! Though only five were officially credited for.

Those are the Champions of Khorne!

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

The spirits of the team are up, that's for sure. A full healthy squad means we can march right on into the final competition. It remains to be seen how we fare there, but as long as not too many pesky blodger with wizard support make it through and the other teams get cursed by our benefactor - Khorne - we should be a definite contender for the title.

Why did you choose to apply for Khorne? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

I chose the Khorne qualifier, because I counted on it drawing in Chaos and Khemri teams, both teams orcs do well against. I thought that the biggest guns would be in the Nurgle and Tzeentch tourneys so I rather didn't want to go there even though the price is more attractive. But both prices are attractive to high TS bashers and my wasn't the highest in the pecking order there. Slaneesh would be a nightmare, as orcs have a really tough time in a tourney that is probably elf-heavy. Plus the Slaneesh price just sucks. So Khorne it was. I probably would do the same again, though with the knowledge of only four teams playing for the Tzeentch champion slot, I would have applied there and ended up as the highest TR team in the favored crowd.


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Champion of Tzeentch?

It was a tough qualification for sure. First round was against alibaba´s chaos. We both hoped for a massacre, but I think won the match because he didn't spend any money (although he had 200k). He probably didn't know sexy my Ogres are and perhaps thought it was an easier match.I think it was also because I started receiving and with a bit of luck destroyed his team in tje first half, so the second half was so easy. It would probably have been a totally different match if he had started receiving.

And the final, against a full Chaos Dwarf team with Htark, wizard as well as three handicaos... :S... It was a cool match, so close, first half wiz saved me from his Htark´s touchdown. In the second half he defended so well and I couldn't score either. Cool match. Overtime looked so bad for me with nine players against their eleven including Htark and a wizard. I still had some hope because I receieved. Well, it was a lucky overtime for me, much like the match against alibaba. I started to hurt his players. Htark went KO to a snakes GFI, and all was so easy and lucky for me. He even almost forgot to use his wizard!

Trepidant qualifiers, love them, so tough, yet really nice ones. I enjoyed them a lot, and am eager to start the major!

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?



It is the best team I have ever had! Probably the only good one I have ever had. That makes me so excited to do it; I know Ogres depend a lot of luck, but anyway, I will fight to win the Crown of Sand!


Why did you choose to apply for Tzeentch? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

I always check wich are the prizes of any tournament. It doesn't matter for me what rivals I will meet or anything like that. I thought there would be good teams and coaches in all qualifiers, but I am a lover of the Tentacles skill. AND WITH OGRES!! \o/ There's no doubt about the temptation there.

And no, I would have applied in the same one. The opponents do not matter.


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Champion of Nurgle?

Enjoying tasty Dark Elves fillet, nibbling on tough Chaos Dwarf Steak and feast on juicy Greenskin haunch.

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

Hard to say. If we're lucky and don't face too many of those pansy elves who care more about that round thingy than a good fight, we stand good chances to make it far. However, we also rely on our daily mental form. i.e. We're screwed.

Why did you choose to apply for Nurgle? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

Reading through the arcane rule books of the Wheel Of Chaos tournament, I thought some tentacles would nicely fit my Ogers. Unfortunately I failed my bone head check when mapping the promised gifts to the corresponding ruinous powers. Nurgle and Tentacles just seemed so obvious. ;-)

However, becoming Champion of Tzeentch would have meant to battle vicius' sexy ogrex 2, a match that I'd rather see in the main draw. Fighting for some fat palatable flies can't hurt at all. We definitely look forward to pleasing Papa Nurgle!


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Champion of Slaanesh?

I made it by luck. There were only four of us and my first game was forfeited...

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

No chance at all. One of my best players (STR 5 Bull Centaur) just niggled on a sure feet GFI (apothecary failed), so my team is not strong enough. Most of the other coaches are going to be really good so I would need a 100% prepared team and lots of help from nuffle (I'm just a poor 163 cr but I praise nuffle everyday, just in case)...

Why did you choose to apply for Slaanesh? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

I took Slaanesh because most strong teams would be looking for Tentacles (Ogres, Lizardmen and Orcs), while good Elves and Dorfs would be looking for Foul Appearance, and most Chaos for frenzy (this was my reasoning), so I just tried the worst skill, in case good players/teams weren't there. This proved a fake (gunslinger is a top coach in the box and jimjo one of the highest in Ranked so I was obviously wrong).


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Favoured of Tzeentch?

No special preparation had gone into this team for the Wheel of Chaos tournament. In fact the last time they had played in Black Box was in April as I felt like taking up other challenges in Black Box, and we had had a mediocre record of 13/5/9. So I threw them into the tournament as a do or die team... And the appeal of getting Tentacles on the Block/Guard/Tackle mummy Cleopatra herself was too much to resist.

We knew we had to win 4 games in a row, and let's face it Tzeentch plays on hope... but when we were drawn against Melissa's Kaulu kruva Khemri team first round, we knew that all we had was hope and maybe a little bit of luck from the Lord of Change himself. In fact, when we received first and got Quick Snap, and the very first block thrown resulted in a nonregen SI, we believed we would win. The first half was ours, but the second half had very changeable luck (how appropriate) as both coaches rolled some miserable dice at key points. I had faced Melissa twice previously in ranked and suffered 24 casualties (12 per game) at her Khemri's hands, so it was great to get one back over her.

The second round draw threw up yet more Khemri opposition in the form of Alf115's team. I had hired Ramtut this time as the bank finally allowed it... But Get the Ref was the match changer for me first half... With two of Alf115's mummies sent to the KO box by turn four. The second half began with Alf having just three mummies on the field vs my five... and a Perfect Defense helped my cause greatly... However, I was undone by what has to be the play of the tournament; when Alf's Thro-ra George Washington made a pickup on the side lines, to run and pass, with 2 GFIs, to an umarked Blitz-ra on the other side of the field, needing a 5+ to pass (rerolled with pass skill) and a 4+ to catch... and my entire defensive line was too far away. I had become momentarily complacent, and I had been punished. However, I forced Alf into a dodge next turn, but he made it to score. Fortunately the forced TD meant I had enough time to counter and win. This was another close game.

The semi-final could have seen me face either one of two orc teams laden with hard hitting orcs or Stinkytroll's fast moving human team. Fortune favoured me here... I really believe I would have been in trouble to get any further had the draw not been so kind. I returned Tzeentch's favour with many injuries (1/5/1) in his name as we decimated the human team without landing a single foul. This got me to the group final, but just 10k short of getting Ramtut.

Yet again, Tzeentch was kind... as the two orc teams had ripped into each other, with Skolopender and McCloud getting foul happy... but McCloud coming off the worst despite winning... in fact McCloud dropped 56 Strength between rounds... and the final was a one sided affair as the Khemri just played the numbers game, despite the best efforts of the Mighty Zug. However, no cash from the game means a starless next game... Just have to hope (yes, there's that word again) that Tzeentch continues to favour us.

Apart from huge amounts of luck at key stages throughout this tournament, what really won it for us was the fact that throughout this campaign we had access to 4 Block/Guard mummies. It made us a serious driving force on the field.

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

Of course... The team is in great shape... No MNGs, no niggles. The only downside is lack of cash, so just hope opposition doesn't have surplus cash for stars and wizards. On their day this team can beat anyone... It is well balanced and has fortune on their side - so far.

Why did you choose to apply for Tzeentch? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

Sort of answered previously, in that I would love Tentacles on a mummy... I once had a team with a Mino with block/tackle/tentacles (before the rule changes) and that was amazing. I certainly don't regret my choice, and would not choose differently.

Continued on page 17

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