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 Issue 10 - August 13th 2510
Wheel Of Chaos Report
by Calthor
Continued from page 16


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Favoured of Khorne?

The draw was VERY kind to me. I only had two games, and both where way down, in fact the final was against a borderline rookie chaos team. This was extra lucky as my necros struggle to maintain a high Team Strength in the Box, Wolf turnover is extremely high.

Both games went to plan with poor handicaps drawn against me. The only downer was a zombie refusing to pick the ball up for a score in the final and so I am still a Dirty Player short of where I would like the team to be.

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

Of course I stand A chance of winning the whole tournement, but it is a very slim one. I can pull the Count in for a game and i do have a lot of dodge scattered about on the team. Necros will always struggle long term in a Major though, as they are sure to lose a wolf and/or golem which will be very hard to replace whilst still trying to win (the money is better spent on the Count)

I haven't looked at the other qualifiers in detail yet, but i would hope to avoid any dwarves or orcs in the first round. I know of two ogre teams making it through (congrats) and this is probably my best chance of progressing. I would still be a huge under-wolf...er..dog, but against ogres nuffle really comes into play and i am surely going to need a lot of nuffle's help. No matter who the other qualifiers are i would imagine i am the ranked outsider. I will probably have the lowest Team Strength of the teams and Necros probably have the lowest BWR of the qualifying races. I can't afford to risk any warm up games in case i lose a key player, so what you see is what you get.

Why did you choose to apply for Khorne? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

Anybody who has ever played me knows that I employ a very rigid man marking ideology. I have often had it remarked that even when I have only four players left on the pitch I can make it seem like 11. The side effect of this is that I have a much higher player turnover rate than most coaches. Very few of my teams ever manage a positve casualty rating. This lead to the concept of 'Pray For Death' (my ranked alter ego of this team). A Necro team risen from the dead only to become disillusioned with the world around them, they new seek true death on a bloodbowl pitch. (read the bio for full back story).

I enjoy the fluff of the team immensely and like to carry it forth as best I can (hence them moving to the box for the extra roughness). Therefore it was only natural that they would go seek the followers of the 'Blood God'.

I was pleased with the way the meta-game worked leaving me with a great chance of progressing. The team, however, weren't quite so enthusiastic. I do remind them that I lost nearly half my team on the way to the Fumbbl Cup semi's though, and that seems to placate them, after all iIam bound to lose a lot more on this adventure.

I wouldn't change my choice even if I knew it was going to be a much tougher group, fluff is too important to the team. The prizes weren't even a consideration, since I never expect to win a Major with Necros anyway.


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Favoured of Nurgle?

By fouling everything I could. In my three matches, I have racked up 24 fouls. I would like to think this is called "sticking with what you are good at" :D

In all honesty though, getting dorfs, dorfs, then beat up zons was actually quite favorable. I like using CDs against dorfs and who doesn't like using them against Amazons.

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

Probably not, but I bet a few of the coaches who already have qualified will disagree. My TR might be low, but it's not like that wasn't the case when I won the Warpstone Open with Chaos Dorfs. CircularLogic's Orcs are the only team I am hoping to outright avoid, but if I have to play him eventually, I would rather it be the first round before he has cash to counter Hthark.

Why did you choose to apply for Nurgle? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

I figured some Foul Appearance would be fun, but I also figured this would be one of the least populated draws. I have no regrets as I did win my qualifier, but interesting how everyone avoided Khorne.


How did your team make it through the qualifications to become the Favoured of Slaanesh?

I got a bye in the first round, for a very tricky looking match up, but the opponent never showed. after that it was all good dice and pure luck. The team just plowed through everything in front of it, helped they were heavy for their draw.

Do you think your team stands a good chance to win the whole tournament?

Nope. I think its a decent team but VERY vanilla. It just lacks the +STR or +AG to really make the big plays. There are sopme absurdly huge Ogre teams too, showing why they got toned down at higher TR in the latest ruleset.

Why did you choose to apply for Slaanesh? Would you choose differently if you knew in what draw you would have ended up?

I thought it might be quite empty. So for a variety of reasons decided to fill it out a bit. Nope, whatever comes, comes.

At this point we will jump forwards several weeks to the winners podium:

vicius (as winner)

How did your team make it through the Wheel Of Chaos itself to become the winner in the name of Tzeentch? How difficult were these games?

-Wheel of Chaos itself was unfortunately easier than the Qualifying. I got 2 Chaos Dwarf teams to start with and with a bit of Nuffle´s help I won both ones without hurts. Same way in the final, we all know Ogres depends a lot of the luck, and with luck are unstoppables. I almost got nothing but bashy teams, and Ogres are so good in bashy match-ups. I have hardly taken any casualty in the whole tourney, except for a gobbo normal SI!!

How is to be the first and only Major winner to win with an Ogre team? How did it feel to come across a Necromantic team in the last match - a team that also never makes it that far in a Major?

-I am so glad and happy to won da major with Ogres - my favourite race. So difficult to play them, but so very enjoyable. Thought in the Box that it is more possible for Ogres to win majors, because there are hardly Elves or Amazons, the worst teams to meet for Ogres. And I loved so much to meet a Necromantic team in the final. My opponent did a cool thing to play them so far. They are another funny race, but unfortunately Nuffle did not want to let them play properly in the final: I hoped it could have been a cool final between the races.. :(

This is your first ever Major victory. Do you think your Ogres have what it takes to go at it in future Majors as well?

-For sure, I think I have a competitive Ogre team now and almost with two physical skills!! Will fight in every major for sure!!

Will the team change its tactics now they have been marked by Tzeentch?

-Hehe, not sure, will see wich skills we get and perhaps we could change any tactic; Tentacles will definitely help.

What do you like so much about playing Ogres?

-I think they are great. It is a team who needs to play with a lot of tactic. Every turn there can be a lot of failed Boneheads, so you can lose the match in every turn, so you need to be completely alert every turn. But it's the basic rule to know in Blood Bowl: first move, have the carrier protected and then hit. In defense they are so great with lot of STR5, but it's difficult to defend. And with their TTM, I figure it is one of the best and funniest teams. They are a bit irregular and anarchic, but that's the best to play them. Every turn is unexpected. :D

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