Poll |
Do you think that timeout: |
Should be always called without any warning |
13% |
[ 25 ] |
Should be always called but never the first time (1 warning max) |
17% |
[ 34 ] |
Should be called only if happen too often in a game |
40% |
[ 77 ] |
Should be never called |
11% |
[ 23 ] |
Each coach should agree before the match how to manage the timeout csll |
7% |
[ 15 ] |
Pie!!!! |
9% |
[ 18 ] |
Total Votes : 192 |

Joined: Oct 09, 2007
May 27, 2023 - 12:16 |
A more efficient solution: a client option to have always the time out button activated.
When the button is activated (either by manually clicking it at start of game or by client's option), the opponent is informed by a client pop-up message at start of game (WARNING!: your opponent could time you at 4 minutes) or something like that.
With the client option there is no need to activate the button at start of each and every game and the opponent is warned as well. |

Joined: Feb 24, 2023
May 27, 2023 - 12:18 |
I think the best thing is for people to talk to each other a little bit at the beginning of the match to set the record straight. I repeat we are playing against REASONABLE HUMAN BEINGS not against MACHINES. To those who complain that
"I already waste too much time marking skills before the match and I can't waste my VERY VALUABLE time as a LEGEND player to press one more button"
I remind you that the match almost always lasts an hour and so a word at the beginning for a greeting and a clarification doesn't waste your time (by the way always to those person who complain that they don't like to waste time playing against inferior beings or pressing useless buttons I remind you that during the matches they almost always write in chat EPIC NOVELS ... rivers of words... which honestly are also a bit disturbing as 90% of the content is a critics to the rule, the dice, the designers, the word, the weather... the life etc.....: there however the time to invest in such "Lord of the Ring Novelling-writing" is not a problem eh? ?
Timeout is not regulated anywhere and is left to people's free choice. So everyone can do as they please.
In order not to burden the developer with an additional technical constraint I am fine with leaving the button as it is and -personally- I have solved the problem in this way : I ask at the beginning of the match to my opponent "how do you deal with the timeout?" so we set the record straight right away and amen.
If he does not answer me anything, this is already a confirmation that he doesnt'care so i prepare myself to the worst so I will be not shocked

Joined: Mar 30, 2005
May 27, 2023 - 12:23 |

Joined: Oct 09, 2007
May 27, 2023 - 12:24 |
If I want to write a lot in chat that's up to me. I consider writing a fun use of my time, while waiting 1 minute for a Side Step decision is a waste of my time, because it's boring.
Also, if I wanted to act like a machine, I would not write anything in chat.
I write greetings to opponent and to spectators as well when I leave the game, so I don't think I totally lack human interaction.
Rule complaints are often a way to start a conversation which can keep on after the game is over, again, this is a social interaction, not a machine interaction (otherwise I would leave the game as soon as it is over). Some opponents don't complain about the rules, so I do it for them. For example, yesterday I played vs DE and I told my opponent that they have been severely nerfed by BB2020 ruleset (the implied message was: don't blame yourself, you did well, but the race is weaker than it used to be).
About time out: always expect to be timed out by anybody and you should be fine.
Always think of the worst scenario, just to be safe. If time out doesn't happen and yet you manage to play within 4 minutes, very well, you have saved some time you could use to play another game or do something else. If you don't have anything else to do, it's still better to play a game quickly, because this statistically reduces the chance of some unexpected event's interruption. |
Last edited by MattDakka on May 28, 2023; edited 1 time in total |

Joined: Mar 23, 2006
May 27, 2023 - 13:34 |
koadah wrote: | No. It doesn't. |
Right-o. To 100 pages, vamos!  |

Joined: Mar 30, 2005
May 27, 2023 - 13:45 |
Joined: Sep 05, 2019
May 28, 2023 - 09:28 |
I can speak to great lengths about your character Jimmy, but I think you do so better by yourself, so I'll pull down the veil a bit and let people make their own conclusions.
This is a transcription of an excerpt from a recent twitch VOD of Jimmy's.
"Do your s*** in 4 minutes, that preference, it's the f*g rules. (Speaking about Joost)
You read this c*** as well? Look at this right!? *Quotes RDaneels story on sportsmanship* That's literally what he's comparing to, some arsehole having complete disregard for his opponent taking over 4 minutes. Like, you know what I mean? It's unreal isn't it?
Like if someone has an actual emergency, you're not allowed to time them out, which is what this is. (Jimmy has completely missed the point here, it's just about sportsmanship being good in general. Not that not you timing out people is being completely callous to peoples injuries.)
What he's seeing is: It was so sad for Zidane who headbutted somebody, you know completely, he was completely justified in headbutting somebody and really, the referee shouldn't have sent him off but goddamnit, if only he hadn't played by the rules he wouldn't had to send him off.
How do people, how do people think like this?
Genuinely, I understand people like, everyone is the hero of their own story or whatever and stuff like, but it's fucking bonkers to think that you're the one in the right somehow for going over your time, you know what I mean, they just completely...
They are the insufferable c*! Everybody who wants to go over 4 minutes is the insufferable c*.
Like, they've got complete disregard for their opponent and then they're like saying: "Crying noises" Why don't they have regard for me? And they're the one showing complete disregard for their opponent, they're the rude ones, they're the insufferable ones, they're the obnoxious ones.
Like how dare you take over 4 minutes and waste your opponents time? Like all they ask from you is that you take your turn in a reasonable amount of time.
Here PurpleChest says that both sides could have empathy and communicate and than people don't need to do it, but it's polite to inform your opponent that you will do so.
No, both sides don't need empathy and communicate, they don't need to. No it's a false, it's just a false argument I'm sorry.
It's completely... NO! There's no need for that, there's no need for that at all PC, that's outrageous! That's f*n outrageous... that's like the referee saying at the start of a football match saying: btw I send off for headbutts, no fuck off, hehehehehe.
NO it's not polite, no it's not polite, it's not polite! At all, at all! It's not polite, it's literally not polite. It's polite for them not to go over 4 minutes.
Not polite for me to say if you f*n waste my time you inconsiderate piece of f*n shit then I will f*n time you out. That's not, that's not f*n polite.
No it's not better to warn, and f* em!
F* anyone that goes over 4 minutes, absolutely f* em!!
The polite thing... is me not, is me not typing in chat to them: Why don't you take a step back and literally f* your own face. hehehe That's me being polite!
Ok Hehehe, hehehe. That's the being polite part.
Long Pause.
F* them!
Absolutely f* them!
It's outrageous, it's f*n outrageous, do you know how long 4 minutes is? F*g hell?
How long is.. I can tell you how long it is, hehehe... in something funny...
Short pause
It doesn't tell you...
Copyright cuts the audio of the stream here.
Audio comes back a while later:
Do you know how long 4 minutes is? A Rebbl'r can play a turn of blood bowl. You've got literallyno cho.., no excuse for going over 4 minutes, no excuse. Unless you have an excuse,
In which case, you don't get timed out because you're not allowed to by the rules right? Like... heh.. F*n mental.
The policy is, if they've done nothing, like they haven't touched anything then you've gotta assume somethings happened so you're not allowed to time out.
That's all the rules are and then some complete d*head has acted like: and look how many d*heads there are: 36... 40... 49... 59% of people, wait that's wrong. 69%!
Wait where did the rest of the percent go? This is 69% and this is 29%, where's the extra 2%?
Wait, that's 50, that's 69% and that's 29% where did the extra 2% go?
Guys? 69% are wrong! on fumbbl. Which is scary isn't it?
In fact, no no 89% are wrong! 89% are wrong. I didn't even look at that (missed that top option was the only one with no warning)
Nope. 89% of people on fumbbl are wrong, unbelievable, unbelievable! That's a big% to be wrong.
Why can't everyone be intelligent like me?"
Cutting it here as to not make the post longer than it already is.
After this he references my post as the highlight of the thread and calls people who picked pie the second most clever people on fumbbl as maybe they correctly identify that their opinion is worthless and thus might be correct.
Anyway, onto the rules themselves.
There isn't actually anything official out there which means that there are no official rules but only a community consensus of sorts.
Admins have commented the following in the past:
From Lorebass: If they purposefully afk or wait 3 minutes and 50 seconds before they start playing then they are a dick. As well as anyone who doesn't at least give warning that "if you take forever again next turn with no reason, I will time you out" and times you out: they are a dick.
From jarvis_pants: Late to the party on this one.
The timeout button is there but realisticaly should never be used in freindly play where both people are being gentlemen as if they were playing oposite each other on a real table.
Lets have a look at real scenarios,
If your opponent dosent move anything, you cant time him out as you should count is as a disconnect. If your opponent in real life had to step away for a phone call or to change his kid you wouldnt keep playing would you?
And in real life if an opponent was playing slowly, one would assume due to being new to the game, you would help them out, talk them through good ideas and bad etc.
So realisticaly the only time to use the timeout is when your opponent isnt being a gentleman, waiting till the last muinet to play etc, in those cases be the bigger man and step away from the game and consult an admin.
From my experience there is no use for the timeout button outside of tournament play.
My own opinion on the matter is largely irrelevant, I basically only play in leagues where the timeout button is expressly forbidden. I prefer to play Blood Bowl with nice people.
I'm ending this here btw, I just wanted to provide some context for my earlier opinion. |
Last edited by HaruHaru on May 28, 2023; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: Sep 17, 2019
May 28, 2023 - 10:23 |
This thread is great. Reading through I'm trying to work out what someone has to do to not be a 'c-unit', not be a chump, not give up an advantage to their opponent, etc.
Giving warning about time to my opponent either makes me nice or a chump.
It seems to me playing every turn for exactly 3 mins and 59 seconds is the best way. How depressing would that be!
Playing quicker is giving up my thinking time about future turns. Playing 15 X 1 min turns and 1 X 4.5 min turn is wrong/rude.
Its a minefield not worth thinking about.
I'll continue to not time out without a warning and try and play my turns in 4 mins. If someone wants to rant and rave, call me names publicly or privately for not meeting their expectations then fair enough |

Joined: Dec 06, 2011
May 30, 2023 - 10:28 |
HaruHaru wrote: | This is a transcription of an excerpt from a recent twitch VOD of Jimmy's. |
"insufferable" is generous |

Joined: Mar 30, 2005
May 30, 2023 - 10:56 |

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
May 30, 2023 - 12:19 |
koadah wrote: |
Nice work.
Keep us posted on the best/worst bits so that we don't all have to listen to the streams ourselves. |
Maybe could start new thread a out this ? |
_________________ Kaptain Awasoam, Dicer of All Men and Women and Children and Puppies. |

Joined: Mar 30, 2005
May 30, 2023 - 12:25 |

Joined: Nov 28, 2005
May 30, 2023 - 12:26 |
Mechanical Streaming ? |
_________________ Kaptain Awasoam, Dicer of All Men and Women and Children and Puppies. |

Joined: Mar 30, 2005
May 30, 2023 - 12:35 |
Joined: Feb 06, 2007
May 30, 2023 - 13:04 |
Sp00keh wrote: | HaruHaru wrote: | This is a transcription of an excerpt from a recent twitch VOD of Jimmy's. |
"insufferable" is generous |
I'm not the one breaking site rules, again. |
| |