OK Fumbblers we are still needing:
[NA] & [OC] are looking for some extra coaches to make for a more diverse tourney.
See links below for team creation/ applications!
FUMBBL NAF Online! Returns Monday Oct. 14th w/
The Brighton Pier!
• 6-week, resurrection style, swiss pairing, singles tourney.
• This tourney runs from Monday Oct.14th - Sunday Nov.24th, 2024.
• NA, EU & now introducing the OC or Oceania region (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan).
• Each of the 3 regions will have their own separate tournaments.
• You must be able to schedule matches on
BOTH weeknights & weekends for the region you choose to play in. This is meant for ease of scheduling for each region. Please choose courteously & wisely!
• Tier 1= 1100K + primary skills pack.
• Tier 2= 1150k + primary skills pack.
• Tiers 3-4= 1150k + primary/secondary skills pack.
• NO skill stacking.
• Secondary skills CAN be used as primary skills.
• Tiers 1-3 are allowed NO star players.
• Tier 4 is allowed 1 star player.
• You must take 11 rostered players before purchasing a star player.
• NO Mega-Stars or Stars w/ the Bomber Trait Allowed
The Brighton Pier Tournament Page & Rules
Team Creation Link
Team Submission Link THE most important link!
Teams MUST be submitted by Friday Oct. 11th at 23:59 server.
Teams MUST add EXACTLY this notation [NA], [EU] or [OC] prefixing
their team name for ease of identification of their region group.
• [NA] 16
• [OC] 18
• [EU] 50