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Not many Goblins have been eaten during this season's pre-season tournament as the Trolls where already well fed from the uncooked and cooked remains of The Big Cook. A typical fling diet consists of several well prepared meals like quiche hand-made with cheese, bacon or vegetables. They season their farmed goods with refined spice, collected herbs and honey from domesticated bees. Families share their famous hash omelet, soup, porridge and börek recipes over generations. Because of that Halfling meat tastes tender and is easily to digest.
So it is no surprise that this tournament has been very popular among the participating greenskins. Especially the Broken Nose Nibblerz had reason to celebrate after winning a well fought final against the Bad Apples. Instead of eating rotten fruit they were rewarded with their own alive Hobbit cook!
At first the Black Gobbo and his fellow broken cultists had to be held back from lacerating their newest team member and they had trouble to understand their coach luxyluxo who screamed "Iessen net dee klenge Gitt. Hien ass eisen neie Kach."
But how did this whole thing start? While not many can read, some readers don't know about the history of this prescious event. So let's dive back in time and take a look at the beginnings of the Big Cook!

A fling village before the End Times

An eiree stillness sat over the small Halfling village. That sort of loaded quiet that causes all those under its ominous spell a feeling of uneasiness.
Little Nashee Rambla was busy scramblimg around the turnip patch. The last of the morning dew had burnt off as the sun rose into the sky, but there was still a slight mist in the stunted, tortured trees that surrounded the settlement. The patchy earth he was digging through was producing very little of note, but there would at least be enough turnips to add to the lunch stew and maybe some for afternoon tea, maybe thinly sliced with some beef carparccio and salsa verde. Nashee tugged firmly at one of the last visible plants, but this one did not come up as easily as the rest. The little ‘fling got down on his hands and knees and began to tug away. Having never taken a wife, he had the stamina to keep up the tugging indefinitely. It took some time to pull it out, but when it finally popped free of the ground, it was magnificent. A big, juicy turnip the size of Nashee’s head. The ominous atmosphere forgotten the little Halfling held the giant turnip up triumphantly. This was going to be a day the village would remember forever!
Suddenly a shadow fell over the halfling. He turned around, confused, and his last thought before he was unceremoniously ripped apart was 'Why would a troll be wearing a bell?'.



Suddenly a shadow fell over the halfling. He turned around, confused, and his last thought before he was unceremoniously ripped apart was 'Why would a troll be wearing a bell?'.
Close by in the forest, Snarlik the Night Goblin charged through the trees with the rest of his gang, summoned by the jingling bells of his trained Trolls. And also by the high pitched screams of whatever peoples his Trolls were currently tearing apart.
And judging by the number of screams, it sounded like it was going to be a good day for Snarlik and his gang of Goblins Obsessively Bullying Stupid Halflings In To Eternal Slavery.... or GOBSHITES. By the time they made their way to the village proper, Snarlik and the GOBSHITES trained Trolls had made one hell of a mess. It was a scene that drove the GOBSHITES into an ectasy only possible through extreme mushroom abuse and a taste for extreme sadism. Little Halfling huts had been flattened, and the Trolls had enjoyed a literal smorgasboard of little folk. Here and there 'Flings were running around aimlessly, trying to escape the devastation. The GOBSHITES sprung into action, their rope poles at the ready. Happily stomping through the half eaten remains of numerous Halflings, the GOBSHITES toyed with the survivors, chasing them around the village whilst cackling happily and making hilarious witticisms at their expense. The Trolls, their appetites satiated, and secure in the knowledge they had done a fine job for their masters, nestled down amongst the ruined village to finish whichever broken bodies lay around, and then pick their teeth with the bones. Within a quarter of an hour, the whole village was either dead, terribly wounded or captured. The stupid Halflings hadn't even tried to put up a fight. At least a dozen 'Flings were rounded up to be taken as slaves, most likely to be sold to one of the XXXL teams for use as training opposition. Or just to feed the team Trolls. Snarlik order a couple of his GOBSHITES to fix up a barbeque pit. His right hand Git, Gunskree, went to find a fat little 'Fling to roast up for a victory celebration. The only noise in the clearing now was the gentle sobs of the captured Halflings and the snores of happy Trolls. "Found a tastee wun boss!" Gunskree announced, dragging a struggling young 'Fling behind him. "I fort we kuld eet wun ov da ded wuns so we didn't waist a slave!" Snarlik nodded his approval even as the Halfling cried! "Please don't eat me. I'm not dead! I'm not even hurt!".
The two Night Goblins stared down in disgust at their struggling captive. "It makes me sik!" spat Gunskree. "Dont yu lissen to em boss! Yu know wat liars des 'orrible Flings are!"

The End Times for this fling village have arrived.

An hour later the GOBSHITES were had finished up their fine meal, and had spent a good few minutes whipping the captives for a bit of fun. Snarlik, watching his boys having such fun, felt a bit emotional. "Gunskree." He said to his second in command. "Yu no wot wuld be a lotta fun Gunskree!" Gunskree stopped whipping one of the new slaves to listen to the Boss. "Wassat Boss?" He asked.
"I fink we shuld commemurate dis here suksessful raid by plaeing a gaem or two of da Blud Bowl, maebe we do it everee yeer? Whaddaya rekon?"
Gunskree smiled. Somewhere in the village a Troll farted. "I rekon dats a grate ideer boss. Maebe we shud even get a 'fling to cook da afta match function!" Snarlik nodded and turned to the group of captives. "Rite! Whish wun ov yu bastids can cook?"

Future XXXL players or just food for Trolls?

Halflings are small and squishy, but good at moving around between the legs of their opponents. Their friends, the Treemen, used to be strong and woody. These have not been seen since End Times. Goblins used their wood for cooking food or burning things.