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IRC-channel: #WCS
Forum Thread Season One
Forum Thread Season Two

General Rules
§1 Objective
The objective is to win the World Championship Main Event.

§2 Qualification
To qualfy for the Main Event you need to reach a sufficiently high ranking in a national league. That is usually the first or second place (from season 2 onward), sometimes the third is enough.

§3 Special League Rules
The national administration, usually adressed as 'Lords' have free rule over their nation as long as they are not dealing with issues concerning the entire tournament.

§4 Concerning the entire League
Issues concerning the entire league are currently handled by me (Wreckage). If I should be continued absent, Phytrr takes my place.

§5 Administrative Decisions
The administration makes decisions in a special Lords PM. Although the debates there are not strictly public, any member coach of the tournament can request to be included in the PM for observation. He is not supposed to chatter there but can make simple requests, suggestions or point things out as long as they are on topic.

§6 Just Ask
If you think you need something, just ask. Your national admin is supposed to take your wishes into account in his decisions although that isn't done clearly democratic. The same applies for the international administration. If everything fails you can always follow up with the next point.

§7 Petitions
1. Every season a coach of a nation can send a national petition. To do that 30% of the coaches of that nation have to send me a pm regarding the content of the petition. The international administration can overrule all national requests if it is not benefitting international interests. A request to change Lordship in the nation can not be overruled.
If the petition is successfull a voting in the nation takes place upon its content.
2. A coach may send once per season an international petition. To do that 10% of all coaches in the World Championship have to send me a pm regarding the content. A petition made on international level can't be overruled. The petition can be to change international administration and will result in a vote including all members of the WCS.
3. Votings are only ever held as result of a petition unless democratic rights were established previously by petition.
4. Discriminating or impossible petitions are only legal on national level.
5. Coaches whose petition was accepted for a vote may not petition any more for the rest of the season.

§7a Voting Process
1. Votes usually take place for between 24 and 48 hours after announcement by the Lord who is holding the voting at his/her discretion.
2. Only votes given within the time frame are counted.
Purpose of these limitations are to make votings rather a quick evaluation of opinion rather than a big event that is slowing down the day to day progress of the league.

§8 Time Per Game
1. The tournament is oriented on a weekly schedule in round robin format, but national schedules and systems may differ, depending on national needs and member numbers.
2. On international level, games happen on a tight weekly schedule, the knockout period gives every round a shorter deadline and is expected to be finished faster.

§8a Missing In Action
1. A coach who is absent for a prolonged period, he needs to inform his nation administrator about this so that he can make the necessary preparations and cancel the games.
2. Although the nation admin doesn't need to follow this, it is suggested that he gives the absent coach the opportunity to play his game at the end of the season if there is still time.
3. If a coach is absent for a prolonged time and his whereabouts are unknown, he may be replaced or kicked to allow the nation a fluent pace to play. He can reapply in the beginning of the next season with his old or a new team to the WCS.

§9 Games Per Season
Every nation is only allowed to let every team play 6 games per season. How these games are arranged is national buisness. The Three-Edged-Sword Challenge and the international Group phase are each 3 games long, meaning every team gets to play 9 games. The finalists get to play up to 3 more games (4 starting season 2).

§10 Score-System
The score system is 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss. To the points can be added any number of 0's per game to factor other aspects (like TD's or CAS) into the score system if that is desired on a national level.

§11 Bonus Inducements
Some nations recieve bonus inducements to buy specific tools. Norsca currently recieves 50k for babes, the Badlands recieve 100k for bribes. Missusing this money for other purposes will result in a 1 point score penalty for the team. The opponent recieves a 1 point bonus but may not exceed 3 points that way. The possible variants are: (Wrongly inducing team wins: 2 points / 1 point; Wrongly inducing team ties: 0 points / 2 points; Wrongly inducing team loses: -1 point / 3 points.)
If the season is already decided, the score penalty is carried over to the next season if the team continues to play. Accident and intention are treated the same way.

§12 Conceeding
Conceeding is generally not permitted unless it can be done without triggering concession effects. Failing to comply is sanctioned with a 2 point score penalty. If the season is already decided, the score penalty is carried over to the next season, even on application with a new team. Accidential concession is treated the same way.
Continued conceeding can result in exclusion of the team from the WCS.

§13 Unplayed Games
If a game isn't played by deadline it is in the respectives Lords power to decide upon the two particpants fate and score. He is supposed to take a detailed look at the two involved parties and their situation and make a case to case decision. As the league progresses we might put rules in place based on precedences. A Lord cancelling a game is supposed to say a couple of words about it in the Lords PM thread.
Depending on his groups design, he may reschedule the game towards the end of the season or award one side 3 points or both sides no points or even both sides one point.
All these decisions can be challenged by the international adminstration. Simply write me (Wreckage) a PM if you have a problem with your Lords decision and I will look into it. For matters of my own group, you can write to Phytrr as second in charge. For all other matters you can't challenge my decisions. (Unless you manage to involve a site admin – Hint: You might get me on swearing or missing my blackbox game while talking in #fumbbl.). If a Lord is directly involved in something he should deferr the decision to the international administration.

§13a Readying your Team
In the rare case that there is disagreement on who has to ready his team first, you are to communicate the decision to your opponent and he is to communicate to you what adjustments he is planning to do and so fourth, so that both coaches have the time to set up their teams properly. However, for the time being there won't be any consequences.

Main Event Rules
§14 Number of Teams
In the first season 16 teams play in the main event. Starting with the second season the number increases to 32. Respectivly there will be 4 groups in the first season and 8 groups starting with the second season.

§15 Group Phase Main Event
Teams get drawn into pools of four. 4 respectivly 8 teams (equal to total number of main event groups) with the all time highest score in the WCS main event get a fixed spot, the other teams are randomly seeded to them. (they can't be drawn against each other).

§16 Number of Games
In each group 4 teams play 3 games in round robin. The two best teams advance into a Knock-Out-Stage. The nr. 1 team gets to play the nr. 2 team of another group and vice versa.

§17 Tie breaker
1. Ties are decided by touchdown difference. If touchdown difference is equal a scoreboard is used that only invovles the teams with equal standing (direct comparison). After that absolute number of Touchdowns decides. Then previous WC placing. Then Cas difference. Then absolute cas. Then random draw.
2. If unplayed games are affecting the tie breaker they are considered to have a score of 2:0.

§17a Prize
1. The winner of the WCS Main event recieves bragging rights and the right to put the WCS trophy into his team profile.
This years WCS Main Event is held in one of the three largest Bloodbowl nations, Naggaroth. The event itself will take place in the far and unhospitable north, in the city of Ghrond, where the Witchking himself will be watching and is eagerly waiting to hear of his nations victory in the games. As a special award will the winner of the WCS Main Event not only recieve 100.000 GP, the witchking himself has also promised to use his magical powers on the team.
The winner of the WCS Main Event may sacrifize (retire) a player with a stat up to the witchking and in his mercy he will gift the same stat up on another player on the team, who has at least played one game. This counts as an additional skill. (If you win the WCS Main Event DO NOT LEAVE POST MATCH SEQUENCE)
2.The prize may be only taken imidatly after the tournament while the team still resides in Ghrond. After that the gates to the city of the witch king will be closed. A team from Naggaroth may take the prize at any later point during the next season. By accepting this prize you may never use this team outside of this league.
3. The coach may take the price in advance, without sacrifizing anyone, but if he does, he must sacrifize the first player, he takes the stat up on next. If he doesn't roll the same stat up by the end of the next main event, he has to sacrifize the player instead, who took the stat up.
4. Regardless of early fullfillment clauses, there is no time limit to the contract.

§18 Every team that doesn't make it to the main event gets to particpate in the Three-Edged-Sword-Challenges. Participation is not mandatory and coaches who wish so are free to take a break.

§19 Every year the teams of the smaller nations that don't manage to particpate in the World Championship travel to a nearby nation to determine their fate in a three Edged-Sword- Challenge. Although the design of the challenge is of highly strategical nature and some nations try to take advantage of it, single teams have often ignored those objectives rather suiting their own agendas or simply percieved the strategical component of the challenge as unethical to persue. Since the last year the Bloodbowl Association has managed to mobilize enough money to make the Three-Edged-Sword Challenge a global event that amazes hundretthousands of fans all around the world.

§20 The four hosting countries of the Challenge are the four countries that hold the most slots for participation in the main event. The four challenges hosted by these countries are all completly separate.

§21 To each of those nations, two other nations are randomly seeded, each representing one edge of the sword.

§22 'The moot' does not participate in this challenge.

§23 Objective
The nation holding the most slots tries to defend them against the two other nations. Every nation can score points by challenging a team of one of the two other nations. All points scored by a nation are counted together.

§24 Number of Games
Every team is only allowed to play up to three games.

§25 Info
Note: It doesn't matter against wich of the other two nations the three games are. A larger nation can simply score more points by playing more. The challenge encourages larger and more active nations success. It is also possible to stop a nation from scoring points by not offering them any games. The nation that already has the most points has the least incentive to continue playing in that regard.

§26 Score Calculation
The base score for winning or tieing a game calculated the same way as in the main event (3-1-0). It is then divided by the opponents standing in his national league in this season (rank). For example beating an opponent from another group on 8th position would divide the winning score by 8. Beating an opponent on 2nd position would divide the score by 2. (The higher he is placed the more points you get.)

§27 Three-Edged-Elite-Medal
The team to score the most points in the challenge is awarded the Three-Edged-Elite-Medal. This is not only a precious title but also brings a serious advantage in the next season. The winner recieves a bonus point in the next seasons score table of his nation. However, this bonus point will not be counted against the current participants of the main event and the medalist won't be gaining rank on them. (Superiority Protection Clause)

§28 Time Table
The Three-Edged-Sword-Challenge ends with the conclusion of the World Championship Main Event.

§29 Price
The winning nation recieves an additional spot in the next seasons Main Event.

§30 Tie Breaker
If the score is tied at the end of the challenge, the former holder of the additional slot wins unless he has the lowest score. In that case the nation wins, whose best team scored more points or got further in the main event.

Between Seasons

§31 Starting Over
At the end of a season a coach is permitted to start with a new team but may have to start from the bottom there, depending on the nations league's construction.
If the coach holds a special racial spot in his league he gets priority to take the same race again.

§32 Accepting Applications
Any new number of applicants is welcome to join any nation desired.

§33 'The Moot' Special Rules
Every coach is allowed to apply a second Halfling team to the moot, if he wishes so. The moot is meant to be a division for elite coaches but not criteria need to be met to join.

§34 Nation Champions – Leaving home
1. Every winner of a national Championship recieves a medal for winning. However, if a non-infinite race ever wins a championship, the national BB associations don't tend to look too kindly on that and usually ask that race to go back to his homeland.
2. The best teams in the world see this usually more as an opportunity than anything else and while in old times teams used to travel around the world to challenge other teams, the best in the world now travel around from league to league to win all national championships and aquire all national medals.
It is said that a true world champion would hold all national medals and the World Championship Main Event trophy.
3. Although this is purely optional for them, many infinite championship winners follow the same example and leave their homes to go on a long journey of fame and glory.

§35 Switching Nations Process
1. At the end of a season any team may choose to go back to a nation where its race has infinite application numbers.
2. Only the winners of a national league may ever choose to switch to another group than their infinite numbers group.
3. Once a team has switched it's nation, it can't switch back.
4. The team has limited influence on where it will be allowed to play. The bb association is always sceptical about accepting new foreign races in their leagues. Although the international comittee encourages open mindedness and a more diverse play, this thinking still has to sink in on national levels. A national winner gets to file ONE application to another nation. All the teams in that nation get one vote to either accept or deny the application. If 50% of the voters agree to let the team join, it is accepted in the new league (50% is enough, a majority is not needed).
5. If the request fails, the teams issue is brought before the Lords council. The Lords decide by Plurality Rule without further consultation about the fate of the team and in wich league it is going to play. (Usually handling all nations requests in a single day.) The Lords are not allowed to choose a nation for the team where it already won a medal.

§35a Champions Priviledge
Starting season 2 an infinite nation winner who decides to stay in his nation may choose to use his influence to kick a non infinite team out of his group if it has qualified for the WCS-ME.

In the Orklands it is believed that the referee is an invention of the humans to turn the game away from the blood. The reason why the spectators like Bloodbowl so much. While it is common for unprofessional players to play without a referee entirely this practise hasn't worked on a professional level and after the battle of Khul Gash involving a total of 50000 spectators and 26 players (from of wich 4 were illegaly on the pitch) playing with a referee was finally approved. However, since the referees are Orcs too, they are known to overlook incidences and not to turn a too close eye on things.
In addition to the National Champion, the Orclanders also play for such trophies as the "Not in the Face" BOOT-i-FUL Cup, the Ralph Hinkley Memorial Trophy, and the Refrigerator Perry Prize.

Special Rules
In the Orclands teams play with optional rules: Right Stuff counters Tackle, and all teams get a free bribe (100k inducements, only for bribes)

Orcs - Infinite
Gooblins - Infinite
Underworld - 1

Current admin: pythrr

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 10 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: pytthr please let me know!

Land of the Dead
One of the most obscure sights in this world are a bunch of brainless zombies trying to play a sportsgame. While these mindless creatures are usually controlled by subordinate necromancers of the mighty Nagash, some independend necromancers have lately left their laboratories to join the fun of puppet commaning undead units for sports. Tomb Guardians known to have shaken off the shells of Nagash and developing their own will are rarely seen in this place. Yet recently a club of these terrifying creatures has risen to compete against their old master.

Undead - Infinite
Necromantics - Infinite
Khemri - 2
Vampires - 1

Current admin: ClayInfinity

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 9 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Winni please let me know!

Naggaroths elitary claim that Dark Elves are superior to all others lets little room for other races. As far as the Dark Elves are concerned, the champion among the Dark Elves isn't just the best team in Naggaroth but the best team in the entire world. A few outsiders have come together to form some mixed teams to compete for the title but so far the league has been dominated by the Dark Elves.

The elitist playstyle of the Dark Elves gives them little tolerance for mistakes in ballhandling.
Because of that they play with a spiked ball. Errors in using this ball can result in injuries.

Special Rules
In Naggaroth games happen with a spiked ball.

Dark Elf - Inifinite
Underworld - 1
Elf - 1
Chaos Pact - 1

Current admin: Shraaaag

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 10 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays
Note: If you know you won't make it, ask for an extension early, and we will work something out

Karaz Angkor

In a vast mountain range lies Karaz Angkor, the monumental home of the dwarves. A single Ogre tribe at the outskirts of the mountains likes to enjoy playing in this tournament for fun and recently a human team has formed in the capital consisting mostly of immigrants from the human quarters. Although the mountains are known to inhabit Orcs and other creatures they usually don't have good relations with the dwarves. One tribe however has recently developed such good trade relations that it even is invited to the annual bloodbowl events.

Dwarves - Infinite
Humans – 1
Orcs - 1
Ogres - 1

Current admin: Tzij

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 6 teams
Round Robin
5 Games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Placement Phase

Possible Play-Off
A final placement match may be played.

Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays

Ogre Kingdoms
The Ogrekingdoms usually use Ogre referees who aren't exactly smart in paying attention to what is going on. As a result a rougher play style has developed over the years similar to the style played in the Orclands. Because these vast lands have such a poor surface and lots of bumps in the ground making it easier for smaller creatures to dodge an attack and giving them an advantage.

Special Rules
Ogrekingdoms play with optional rules: Right Stuff counters Tackle, Fouling adds +1 on armor roll, Sneaky Gits puts players in KO box.

Ogres - Infinite
Chaos Dwarves - 1
Norse - 1

Current admin: Wreckage

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 7 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Wreckage please let me know!

In the old days bloodbowl was played by travelling teams that would go from place to place and challenge others. While most of the world has adapted to a fixed league structure, the old Empire still plays in the same way they used to.

Special Rules
The Empire plays Open Round Robin.

Humans - Infinite
Dwarves - 1
Halflings - 1
Ogres - 1

Current admin: Oly1987

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 7 teams
Open Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays

Much can be said about humans in the world. But it is quite telling that not one but two human nations have risen to a powerfull force in the world. Hidden within the Bretonnian realm lie the forest homes of the woodelves. Since Bretonnia is technically unable to controll these forests one could claim they are an independend area but at least for purposes of sports those two cultures have come together and overcome their differences.

Humans - Infinite
Wood Elves - Infinite
Halflings - 1
Vampires - 1

Current admin: awambawamb

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 9 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays
Note: If you know you won't make it, ask for an extension early, and we will work something out, max one day.

Under Empire
The Under Empire is unimaginably large and there is no place to put it because it goes underground through many reaches. The inhabitants of this place are the skaven. One dwarf fortress is known to annually put a team in the mix because of their lack of access to another league.

Special Rules
In Under Empire every Team recieves 50k for cards at the start of a match.

Skaven - Infinite
Dwarves - 1
Underworld - 2

Current admin: Vesikannu

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 7 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: 1 point per TD and 0.5 point per CAS (the default round robin tiebreaker).
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: first round on monday 24th, then 8 days per round.

From the frozen wastes of the north and sponsored by your finest brew we offer you the undoubtedly best league in the Olde World.

Special Rules
Every Norsca team recieves a free Babe every game.

Norse - Infinite
Humans - 1
Amazon - 1

Current admin: PacoSillas

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 7 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays

Lustria is more a continent than an actual nation, yet they have a unifying bloodbowl sport body. It is save to say that the majority of the continent is ruled by the slann elders although they don't participate in the games themselves. The skaven, vampires and amazons are independed cities within the reaches, nevertheless they compete in the Lustrian League for the championchip.

Slann - Infinite
Lizardmen – Infinite
Children of the Lost Temple City of Chaqua - 1
Vampires - Infinite
Skaven – 1
Amazon - 1

Current admin: Tazeon

Hall of Fame

Lustria Champions

WC Participants
SeasonLustria RankingWC RankingTeamRaceCoach
Loved by ReptilesAmazonThePeoplesChamp
Lustria WarriorsLizardmanMossbeard

Qualification System Season 1
Group phase

2 groups with 5 teams
round robin
4 games

win = 3 points
draw = 1 point
loss = 0 points

Placement phase

winner play off
1st group A vs 2nd group B
1st group B vs 2nd group A
winner vs winner
looser vs looser

place 5-7
1 group x 3 teams
3rd group A, 3rd group B, 4th group A or B (team with more points)

place 8-10
1 group x 3 teams
5th group A, 5th group B, 4th group A or B (team with less points)
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Sundays

Realm Of Chaos
To some it is a mystery why the slaves of the chaos demons have even picked up the game and compete in the annual competitions. Undoubted is that they are very good at it. How the champion among the ranks of the chaos themselves is decided is still a bit of a mystery in the outside world but one thing should be certain: It is bloody.

Group page: here.

Chaos - Infinite
Nurgle - Infinite
Skaven - 1
Chaos Dwarves - 1
Chaos Pact - 1
Underworld - 1

Current admin: Overhamsteren

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 9 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff

Chosen of the Gods
At the end of the season a team will gain +0.6pts
for each god who have chosen them.

Chosen of Khorne
Given to the team who inflicts the most kills
Tiebreaker most kills for+against - then most cas - then most blocks

Chosen of Nurgle
Given to the team who defends the most matches with no TD against
Tiebreaker least TD against - then least cas against

Chosen of Slaanesh
Given to the team of the coach who have made the best contribution
throughout the season with biography fluff, match reports and
general banter. To be decided by vote between the coaches.
Tiebreaker most TD scored - then most completions

Chosen of Tzeentch
Given to the team who has the most different mutations
Starting mutations does not count. Count each type of mutation once resulting
in a number 0-10, if you get all 10 different mutations you can count each
mutation twice resulting in a number 10-20, etc.
Tiebreaker most mutations - then highest mutations/(mutations+skills)
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Saturdays


*** Friday 21st June***

The Saphery Try Outs played host to the Ulthuan City Eagles in a closely contested game that saw death, injury and touch downs aplenty.

The try outs opened the scoring with an early touch down by blitzer Lucy Savill (no relation), after Eagles lineman Thula had nonchalantly killed Helen Beuachamp with a back handed blow to the face. The Eagles quickly levelled with a score from Easka and the sides went in level at half time.

The Eagles were obviously hitting hard as not one Try Outs KO recovered for the whole game. This didn't stop the Try Outs scoring on the Eagles' drive making in 2-1 with 3 turns to go. A mass bundle looked set to grind down the game just into the Try Outs half following the kick, but the Eagles dodged out to set up a pass in Turn 16. This was duly made and blizter Lelan scored to even the game.

A great game, close right up until the whistle, and 3 skills for the Try Outs!

*** Thursday July 20 ***


It's a chess game, play methodically, defense wins games... What have we haven't heard since the Ulthan Championship began. All of this was trashed this Thursday as we saw the Phoenix fight the Sea Guards. Both team's offensive arsenal was fully deployed in this heads-chasing-tails game ending in a 2-2 tie score, leaving the Phoenix temporarily at the head of the championship with only a fragile point ahead but one more game played than it's closest opponents.

The Sea Guards opened the score at first half, stealing Phoenix's ball when they lost their focus to the Guards thrower's name. "Flamethrower", what could a flamethrower be ? After the game, Uhaelon Seaweed, Phoenix's wardancer had it's theory. I betcha it must be a special kind of fart, he said. You know, Pro elves aren't that classy…

The Phoenix came back twice in the game despite their treeman being rooted most of the time. Nuramon Dreamcatcher, the author of one the Guard's touchdown, said he found practical the treeman stuck in the exact center of the field. When he suddenly forgot in which direction to run with the ball, he concluded that running as far as he could from the treeman was the most convenient solution. When one of his teammate told him that doing so he had 50% odds or actually running in the correct direction, Dreamcatcher realized how lucky he was scoring a touchdown today.

*** Monday July 17 ***


Last evening we saw the local Ulthuan City Eagles brawl the Avelorn Phoenix. The event wasn't particularly breathtaking as we merely saw a bunch of frightened elves running full speed around the pitch. It was an evidence both team players didn't understood their coach's game plan, but still, there were a few crowdpleaser moments as the local team, for nearly half a half, tried to outfoul their corner-castled-game-delaying opponent, in a desperate attempt to convince them to score. We can't say it was a display of sportelveship and doing so, the Ulthuan City Eagles surely got their shiny high elf reputation dirty. Still, the crowd cheered as Avelorn's wardancers retaliated from behind their lines... fracturing Everes' skull and smashing Warkan's hand in exchange of a few KOs, gaining a few fan's hearts in the process.

Commenting the event, MVP Dimaethor WeepingTears, Avelorn's wardancer, said someone had to lead the way and show some courage because he could see knee knuckles trembling all around him. He then melt into tears, mourning Haradon South' death, the first victim of this championship. Eveka, the author of this unvoluntary elfslaughter, refused to comment the unfortunate event instead opting to apply some more polish to his armor.

On the island of the elves the sport of bloodbowl is still percieved with some mistrust but a steadily growing sport as the growing number of outlandish Elves who come to play in pro teams on the old island proof a growing interest. Those carnival elf players usually have a bad reputation among the high elves but are serious contenders against the best High Elf Teams on Ulthuan. Only one group of late migrants in the westernmost forrests of the island plays the Woodelf style.
Not only is Ulthuan home to the most powerful mages in the world, it also holds countless magic artifacts and items of power.

Special Rules
In Ulthuan every Team recieves 50k for Magic Item Cards at the start of a match.

High Elves - Infinite
Wood Elves - 1
Elf - 3

Current admin: JimmyFantastic

Qualification System Season 1

Group phase

1 Group with 7 teams
Round Robin
6 games

win = 3 points
draw = 1 point
loss = 0 points

Timeframe Season 1

Group phase
Round 1
8 days
Round 2
8 days
Round 3
8 days
Round 4
8 days
Round 5
8 days
Round 6
8 days
Round 7
8 days

Participants Season 1

Wood ElfAvelorn Phoenixmrbibitte3
ElfCarnicollo Himyalerjhattara
High ElfChrace White TigersTremendous
ElfCothique Sea GuardsMeanandugl
High ElfHail to the Phoenix King!JimmyFantastic
High ElfSaphery Try OutsJamesSeals80
High ElfUlthuan City EaglesMonkeyMan576

Within the vast region of the empire lies the "moot". Once part of the Empires Bloodbowl Union, the Moot has now become an independend Bloodbowl body. Since then thousands of young eager Flings have stormed the plains to explore this exiting game in an environment where they "might" not die. This new trend has started to attract some of the best coaches all over the world, who believe it is their fate to show the world how much can be archieved using a Fling team. The first League is now known to be dominated with many big names in the buisness. Some top coaches in the world.

Halflings - 13
Humans - 1
Vampires - 1
Ogres - 1

Current admin: Chavo

Qualification System Season 1
Group Phase

1 group with 7 teams
Round Robin
6 games

Win = 3 points
Draw = 1 point
Loss = 0 points

Tiebreakers: Points, internal matchup, TD diff
Timeframe Season 1

Deadline: Chavo let me know!
What races can I choose?
Check the initial post in the forum thread. There is a list with the different nations that play in the tournament. Post what nation you are going to play in in the forum and apply a team to this group.

Can I use an old team?
No. Unfortunatly League division isn't supervised and teams have developed by very different standards depending on their league type heritage.
For that and other reasons we like to have pure conditions in the WCS. Teams should be developed in here from the start.

What division does this play in?
League division.

Are there any house rules used in WCS?
During the main event games are played by the standard rules. In the different groups there are some house rules listed above.

How can teams afford to travel around the world for the TES-Challenge?
It is assumed that the nations have much more than just one league. All teams in the WCS group represent the absolute top teams in the world with ample financial ressources, thousands of fans and capable to spend tenthousands of GP.

Why is the Three-Edged-Sword-Challenge called that way?
In analogy to a double edged sword, challenging the wrong nations team at the wrong time can backfire. If every nation is representing one edge of a sword being held by three people, having the right angle on things is the key to victory.

Did you know?
Coming soon!
13 nations compete for a spot in the World Championship.

To represent a nation you have to win your national league. The national league usually is played in round robin format. If a nation has only one team it automatically qualifies for the world championship. No team in a nation is allowed to play more than six games in a season. The score is 3 points per win, 1 point per tie and 0 points for a loss.

Three nations get to put two teams into the world championship. In the first year those are the nations with the most teams. After a world championship has been held, the teams that didn't make it compete for a second spot in the WCS.
We do not recruit at the moment but if you wish to be informed about our progress and when the next season starts, simply apply a random team to the group. You will also recieve an offering if a space should be suddenly available.

During recruitment times, simply apply the desired team to the group and leave a message in the forum for what country you are competing.