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Group managers: Stimme, neilwat, Nightbird, Valen
Online NAF Sanctioned Tournaments


The NAF is an international association of players dedicated to Blood Bowl. The NAF acts as a central resource for coaches the world over – offering news, contacts, discussion, sanctioned tournaments and international player rankings. Whether you are planning to run your own tabletop tournament, looking for a league or just wanting to catch up on the latest from the world of fantasy football gaming, the NAF aims to provide everything you will need.

You can visit the NAF at thenaf.net, or join the NAF here.

Why not find the most up to date information on tabletop tournaments in your area? There is a handy list here. If you ever need help or have any questions regarding attending a tabletop tournament, please come ask!

Road to Thrud 2024

ThrudBall is a charity Blood Bowl event which is held in Swindon in the Uk, each year. In the run up to this event, we will hold two Fumbbl NAF events: one tournament in the EU evening times, and one tournament to play at North-American evening times. Both tournaments will be for individual coaches, it is not a squad event. It will be Swiss pairing for these tournaments.

Both events will start on Monday the 17th of June and will feature a total of six matches over six weeks.

We are suggesting a £5 or similar donation for taking part in this event.
Donate via PayPal to thrudballpayments@gmail.com

Put "Road to Thrud" as the reference

Tournament admins: neilwat • Stimme • Nightbird • Valen

The deadline for submitting rosters is 14th June.

Before you create your team on Fumbbl, we highly suggest that you use an Excel sheet or one of the online helpers to create your team and make sure it adds up to the total amount. You can download a WC-specific Excel roster here. Find additional roster making tools on the NAF site.

Once you have decided on your setup, generate a new team following all of the subsequent steps (do not reuse an existing team!):

1. Create a new team using this link and choose your race and team name. Please add your time zone identifier in brackets, at the beginning of your team name, E.g. [EU] Cherryville Croakers or [NA] Cherryville Croakers

2. On the team page, there is no need to change ‘Progression’ from ‘Standard’ to ‘None’.

3. Buy all of your players, re-rolls, etc. and click ‘submit for approval’.

4. On the following screen, select your skills.

5. When ‘Save’ is pressed to confirm your skill choices, there is no pop-up or conformation screen. You can check if your skills have saved correctly by navigating away from the screen and then checking ‘Team Options’ on your team page. You must select all skills before the start of the tournament and may not change them later.

6. Please link your FUmbbl account to your NAF account. This can be done by following the links under your name on your home page. If you are not a NAF member, then please write "Non NAF" in your bio. It would also help if NAF coaches record their NAF nick and NAF number in the team bio section following team creation. This will help us in the future recording and ranking of online games.

7. Inducement(s) you wish to use should be left out of your team creation process and listed in the team bio. Inducements have to be announced before start of the tournament and may not be changed in-between matches!

e.g.: at the beginning of a tournament match, select only your announced inducements, as you would normally by spending your remaining treasury as petty cash.

8. Navigate to the tournament team site and use the button at the bottom at the page to apply your team.

Please view Strider’s youtube video if you need more details how to create a team.

• BB2020 ruleset with Slann
• Resurrection-style
• Weekly rounds
• 6 rounds total

Budgets for teams varies by tier to be used for standard team building and inducements.

A minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 are to be rostered.
• 0-8 Re-Rolls
• Assistant coaches
• Cheerleaders
• 0-1 Apothecary
• 0-6 Dedicated Fans

The following inducements are available:
• Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2
• Bribes 0-3
• Wandering Apothecaries 0-2
• Mortuary Assistant 0-1
• Plague Doctor 0-1
• Riotous Rookies 0-1
• Biased Ref 0-1
• Halfling Master Chef 0-1
• Weather Mage 0-1
• Josef Bugman 0-1

Star Player notes:
Several very special Star Players have come to play with Thrud this year. The teams for which each Star Player will consent to play can be found in the page linked below.


• No other stars, including stars found in any official rules, are permitted.
• Star Players can only be induced after 11 Players have already been rostered.

Stats on the star players can be found linked below:

All inducements must be announced in the “team bio” at the team’s creation and may not change between rounds

Tier 1
Amazon Dark Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Shambling Undead, Underworld

• 1150 TV
• 100TV spending cash
• No skill stacking
• No secondary skills
• Up to 1 star player
• No stat increases

Tier 2
Lizardmen, Norse, Skaven, Vampire, Wood Elves

• 1160 TV
• 120TV spending cash
• No skill stacking
• No secondary skills
• Up to 1 star player
• No stat increases

Tier 3
Chaos Dwarf, Human, Necromantic Horror, Slann

• 1170 TV
• 140TV spending cash
• Can skill stack on 1 player
• Maximun of 1 secondary skill
• Up to 1 star player
• +AV, +PA, +MA on maximun of one player

Tier 4
Elven Union, Khorne, Imperial Nobility, Tomb Kings

• 1180 TV
• 160TV spending cash
• Can skill stack on 1 player
• Maximun of 2 secondary skills
• Up to 1 star player
• +AV, +PA, +MA, +AG on maximun of one player

Tier 5
Black Orc, Chaos Renegade, High Elf, Old World Alliance

• 1180 TV
• 170TV spending cash
• Can skill stack on 2 players
• Maximun of 2 secondary skills
• Up to 1 star player
• +AV, +PA, +MA, +AG on maximun of one player

Tier 6
Chaos Chosen, Nurgle, Snotlings, Gnomes

• 1190 TV
• 180TV spending cash
• Can skill stack on 3 players
• Maximun of 2 secondary skills
• Up to 2 star players
• any stat, on maximun of one player

Tier 7
Goblin, Halfing, Ogre

• 1200 TV
• 220 TV spending cash
• Can skill stack on any numbers of players
• Any number of seconadaries
• Up to 2 star players
• Up to 2 players can have any stat increase, but they must be different stats

Spending Cash
Teams are then able to develop their team by hiring players, inducements, stars and skills. They can use their Available TV to buy everything except skills.

Their Spending Cash is then an additional amount of cash, which can be spent on skills or stat improvements, or used to buy additional players or inducements. A coach may not spend any more TV on skills than they have Spending Cash, e.g. a Tier 1 team can spend a maximum of 100TV on skills, which comes to 5 primary skills. The total TV of a team will therefore be their Available TV + their Spending Cash.

Adding skills
You can use your Spending Cash to improve your players by buying them skills and/or, if permitted by your tier, stat increases.

If you want to add stats, then add it to the team bio. Detail which player, which stat and the cost.

Primary = 20k
Secondary = 30k
+AV, +MA and +PA = 30k
+AG = 40k
+ST = 50k

The table above will tell you whether your chosen race is permitted to give players secondary skills, stack skills, and/or improve a stat. ‘Stacking’ is where a single player is given more than one improvement. At least one of these improvements must be a primary skill.

No player may be given more than two additional skills as improvements.

Players with stacked skills may also be given a stat improvement - this means that in this case an individual player may have up to three improvements. However, in this case, both of the additional skills which they have been given must be primary skills.

Giving a stat improvement to a player with one additional skill counts as stacking.

If a team is permitted to 'stack' skills, this means that they may give a player or players up to two additional skills, and if permitted by tier, one stat improvement. If two skills are added, at least one of these skills must be a primary skill.

Certain stacking combos
Thrud’s greatest enemy the Black Currant has used his hordes of warriors to terrify coaching staff across the land, making it harder for them to teach certain combinations of skills. For that reason, if certain pairs of skills are taken as additional skills for a player, 50TV will be required, on top of the normal costs for the skills. This cost comes from Spending Cash. These pairs are:

Tackle and Mighty Blow

Sneaky Git and Dirty Player

If a player already has one of the skills in the combinations above, they are able to take the remaining skill without paying the additional 50TV.
Examples can be found on the link below

In the tabletop event, the following will happen...
Necromancers can resurrect a single killed opponent to use as a zombie who will play for the team for that game only. After the game, the team loses any player gained during the game. The same applies to Plague Ridden and Nurgle teams.

However on the online event, these rules will follow how it is normally carried out on Fumbbl.

• 2 points per coach win
• 1 point per coach draw
• 0 points per loss or concession
• 0 points for both coaches if there is no evidence of communication and the game is not completed by the deadline

Tiebreakers are as follows:
2) Most touchdowns

No concessions are allowed during a match. Penalty may be exclusion from the tournament and no registration accepted for the next NAF event. The reasoning here is that touchdowns and casulties can be important tiebreakers, so play on to the best of your ability, whatever in game things happen.

If a coach misses their match on an agreeded time without warning, a concession will likely be applied if another appropriate time to play can’t be found.

• If the opponents are unable to schedule a match, the organizers will make a judgement call and decide the winner of the match or a draw might be given.

If two coaches end up not playing their round within schedule without informing the admins a concession will be given to both coaches.

Everyone is counting on you to play the 6 rounds regardless of your performance. Dropping without a proper cause will result in denying your registration for the next NAF Online event.

Each round will start at 0:01 Monday morning server time and end at 23:59 Sunday night server time. If you games are sceduled for later on a Sunday then please invite Stimme and neilwat to the messages.

Team registration: by end of Friday 14th Jun

1st Round: 17th - 23rd June

2nd Round: 24th - 30th June

3rd Round: 1st - 7th July

4th Round: 8th - 14th July

5th Round: 15th - 21st July

6th Round: 22nd - 28th July

• Please endeavour to complete your games. PM your opponent as soon as you can and organise a time to play.

• If agreeing a time is proving difficult, PM the tournament admins - include both Neilwat and Stimme - and your opponent.

• Games will be forfeited promptly to begin new rounds.

If one player benefits from inducements not listed on the team’s “bio” or irregular use of Timeout with direct influence on the score, a concession might be applied.

• Games will count towards NAF ranking as Online NAF games on thenaf.net. Forfeits and games against non NAF members are not recorded.

Be cordial on the chat and pm towards your opponent and audience. Any use of offensive laguage towards your opponent regarding racial, political or religious content might result in exclusion from the tournament and 1 year ban from NAF events.

• Use wisdom and good faith when agreeing a match with your opponent.

• We recommend avoiding Timeouts. However, if you use it, you are not allowed to do it without a first “transgression” and consequent first warning on the chat.
Ex: my opponent exceeds the time one turn, I warn him I’ll timeout next time.
You can only use a timeout if the other opponent is playing their turn, if they give an indication that they need 5 minutes or similar to deal with a real life event then they can’t be timed out for this.

• All games between NAF members are recorded on the NAF homepage and will be used to calculate the NAF online rankings.

• Even though a NAF membership is not mandatory, we highly encourage you to join the NAF: https://www.thenaf.net/about-the-naf/join-the-naf/

o The cost is £5, 5 Euros or 5 dollars in person, or $10 by Paypal online. For this you get your NAF name registered for rankings purposes and this lasts forever.
o Tracking your online rankings and enabling your opponents to play for their ranking is solid fun.
o You get goodies every time you renew your membership


The Road to the NAF Chapionship 2015

5 rounds of Swiss, final
261 Coaches, 5.1.17 - 28.3.17

Champion – straume (won a ticket to the NAFC)
Stunty Cup – Zed
Raffle winner – m0gw41

Final Runner-up – Diceskill
2nd Place – cedric19
3rd Place – Jokaero

Lutèce Cup Challenge

International groups, 8 team playoff
180 Coaches, 1.4.15-28.5.15

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

Euro Group 1: Strider84 / MrPeng
Euro Group 2: Tripleskull / Estremo
Euro Group 3: JanMattys / Flix
Euro Group 4: Justicium / PacoSillas

North America: happygrue / Stimme

Oceania: hbgs / Dazedmw

Overall Winner - Tripleskull
Final Runner-up - JanMattys
Stunty Cup Winner - Lorebass

Online Dutch Open

International groups, 8 team playoff
92 Coaches, 15.6.15-31.7.15

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

Euro Group 1: Thot / Soycu
Euro Group 2: Yashin / Tripleskull
Euro Group 3: eldritchfox / Hamlet1980

North America: happygrue / pizzamogul

Oceania: Relezite / mushoomy

Overall Winner - Thot
Final Runner-up - happygrue
Stunty Cup Winner - Jopotzuki

World Cup Warm Up

International groups, 8 team playoff. Team based side event, 4 team playoff
144 Coaches, 24 Teams, 10.8.15-19.10.15

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

Euro Group 1: Joemanji / gesize
Euro Group 2: fxiii / Zoul
Euro Group 3: PeteW / Straume

North America: Sutherlands / happygrue

Oceania: bmilner / Dunenzed

Overall Winner - PeteW
Final Runner-up - gesize
Stunty Cup Winner - mrt1212
Team Challenge Winners - Joe le Taxi (azzroag (c), Bucks, geggster, felix_le, Simon_MLF, Nathaniel-FR)

The Road to the NAF Championship 2016

International groups, 8 team playoff
146 Coaches, 7.1.16-30.3.16

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

Euro Group 1: Kithor / Estremo
Euro Group 2: JimmyFantastic / Simon_MLF
Euro Group 3 Strider84 / Endzone
Euro Group 4: Jokaero / fxiii

North America: spock / nerdbird

Oceania: Olaf_the_Stout / Dazedmw

Overall Winner - Jokaero
Final Runner-up - fxiii
Stunty Cup Winner - m0gw41
Raffle Winner - iena

NAF Team Challenge

International groups, 6 team playoff
134 Coaches, 22 Teams, 1.4.16-30.5.16

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Strider84
Euro Group 2: Jokaero
Euro Group 3: didier59
Euro Group 4: simon_MLF
North America: Wreckage

Winners - Team Hellhound (Strider84 (c), madmatt13, Candlejack, Kithor, Jokaero, lauth81)

Spike! Magazine Showdown

International groups, 8 team playoff
62 Coaches, 1.7.16-31.8.16

Euro Group 1: Elyoukey / sann0638
Euro Group 2: Endzone / Jokaero
North America: keggiemckill / dashergeaux

Overall Winner - Jokaero
Final Runner-up - Elyoukey
Stunty Cup Winner - Topper
Raffle Winner - Ghorgrix

Online Welsh Open

International groups, 8 team playoff
66 Coaches, 10.9.16-31.10.16

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

Euro Group 1: Timetis / PeteW
Euro Group 2: iena / Strider84
Euro Group 3: Spartako / mobo

Overall Winner - Timetis
Final Runner-up - mobo
Stunty Cup Winner - m0gw41

Dungeonbowl Highlanderturnament

KO, first 2 rounds at the same day.
16 Coaches, 19.12.16-31.12.16

Overall Winner - BiBi
Final Runner-up - Nicodaz
Losing Semi-finalists - Badpublicity / Jonny_Kanone

The Road to the NAF Championship 2017

International groups, 8 team playoff
116 Participants, 23.1.17-20.3.17

Group Winners / Runners-Up:

North America Group: robocoyote
Euro Group 1: madmatt13 / Lard
Euro Group 2: dirold / itzla
Euro Group 3: Cedric19 / Strider84
Euro Group 4: CandleJack / Samdulac

Overall Winner - Strider84
Final Runner-up - Samdulac
Stunty Cup Winner - SkavenLordVinshqueek

Speed Bowl 1

One Group, no playoffs, 1 min turn limit
30 Participants, 10.7.17-20.8.17

Overall Winner - Jokaero
Runner-up - CandleJack

€uropen Online 17

3 european Gruops, 4 team playoff
126 Coaches, 42 Teams, 11.9.17-12.11.17

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Estremo
Euro Group 2: Jokaero
Euro Group 3: Justicium

Winners - Team Hellhound (Strider84 (c), madmatt13, Jokaero)

Online Welsh Open 18

2 european Groups, 4 team playoff
80 Coaches, 5.12.17-25.1.18

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Vicius
Euro Group 2: Kithor

Overall Winner - Kithor
Runner-up - Doclystria (Miko)

Dungeonbowl (K)Online

KO single elimination
70 Coaches, 25.1-13.3.18

Overall Winner - Kalos86 (Owen86)
Runner-up - Purplechest


2 european Groups, 4 team playoff
86 Coaches, 6.3.18-29.4.18

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Geggster
Euro Group 2: Jeguan

Overall Winner - Bugrum
Runner-up - Geggster

Danish Open Online 18

2 european Groups, 8 team playoff
70 Coaches, 23.4.18-10.6.18

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Clement0
Euro Group 2: Sebco

Overall Winner Gartch
Runner-up PurpleChest

NAFIFA World Cup 18

1 european Groups, 4 best coaches of the 4 best nations team playoff
100 Coaches, 23.4.18-10.6.18

Group Winner: Justicium

Overall Winners: Italy (buttinho, Dirold, Estremo, Sampittu)
Runner up: France (Justicium, Sebco, Ghorgrix, Clement0)

Europen Online 18

3 european Groups, Squads of 3, 4 best squads playoff
130 Coaches, 30.8.18-24.10.18

Group Winner: fxiii, Strider84, Silkoun

Overall Winners: I Lupi e la Piovra (dirold, Spartako, Liam_Gallagher)
Runner up: Team Azes (Fxiii, Siloun, Gseize)

[NAF Team challenge 19

4 European Groups, Squads of 4, 4 best squads playoff
176 Coaches, 1.11.18-1.1.19

Group Winner: fxiii, Spartako, Dirold, Tripleskull

Overall Winners: I Lupi, la Piovra e il Leone (dirold, Spartako, Liam_Gallagher, Kaltenland)
Runner up: Team Azes (Fxiii, Hely, zoul, gseize)

[NAF Speed Rush 2019

8 qualifiers of 8 people to make a final tournament of the 8 winners. one minute turns

Overall Winner: Strider84
Runner up: Spartako

[NAF World Cup Warm Up Dornbirn

6 European Groups, Squads of 6, 4 best squads playoff
176 Coaches, 1.7.19-30.9.19

Group Winner: fxiii, La_Yean, Bibi, Junior84, doclystria, Clayinfinity

Overall Winners: Team Alfea (La_Yena, BadStorm, ATP, Kalos86, Diomlord, Panicoblack)
Runner up: Amicale de Push push (Bibi, Elyoukey, Justicium, Karaak, Matt_Le_Fou, Harti78)

[Waterbowl double elimination

Double elimination KO tournament
82 Coaches, 25.11.19-2.3.209

Winner: PeteW
Runner up: Thot

Eur'Open Online 2020

4 groups, 6 rounds regular phase + 2 rounds of play-offs
364 Coaches, 91 Teams, 30 countries

Group Winners:

Euro Group 1: Ignaz
Euro Group 2: BadStorm
Euro Group 3: Ferra76
Euro Group 4: madmatt13


Winners - Switzerland (Strider84, madmatt13, Jokaero, SiPa)
2nd - Italy (Spartako, La_Yena, Panicoblack, ione)
3rd - France (Blacksoul, Samdulac, Olivierdulac, clement0)
4th - Germany (Siggi, Junior84, Twyllenimor, Kithor)

Hall of Fame

Single Event Champions:

Road to the NAF Championship 2015: Straume
Lutece Challenge: Tripleskull
Online Dutch Open: Thot
World Cup Warm up: PeteW
Road to the NAF Championship 2016: Jokaero
Spike! Magazine Showdown: Jokaero
Online Welsh Open: Timetis
Dungeonbowl Highlanderturnement: BiBi
Road to the NAF Championship 2017: Strider84
Speed Bowl 1: Jokaero
Online Welsh Open 18: Kithor
Dungeonbowl (K)Online: Kalos86
Road to the NAF champtionship 2018: Bugrum
Danish Open Online: Gartch
NAF Speed Rush 19: Strider84
Waterbowl double elimination: PeteW

Team event Champions:

World Cup Warm up: Joe Le Taxi (Azzroag (c), Bucks, geggster, felix_le, Simon_MLF, Nathaniel-FR)
NAF Team Challenge 17: Team Hellhound (Strider84 (c), madmatt13, Candlejack, Kithor, Jokaero, lauth81)
Europen Online 17: Team Hellhound (Strider84 (c), madmatt13, Jokaero)
NAFifa World Cup 18: Italy (buttinho, Dirold, Estremo, Sampittu)
Europen Online 18: I Lupi e la Piovra (Dirold, Spartako, Liam_Gallagher)
NAF Team challenge 19: I Lupi, la Piovra e il Leone (Dirold, Spartako, Liam_Gallagher, Kaltenland)
World Cup Warm up 2019: Alfea (Panicoblack, Badstorm, La_Yena, Diomlord, ATP, Kalos86)
Eur'Open Online 2020: Switzerland (Strider84, madmatt13, Jokaero, SiPa)

Stunty Champions:

Road to the NAF Championship 2015: Zed
Lutece Challenge: Lorebass
Online Dutch Open: Jopotzuki
World Cup Warm up: mrt1212
Road to the NAF Championship 2016: m0gw41
Spike! Magazine Showdown: Topper
Online Welsh Open: m0gw41
Dungeonbowl Highlanderturnament: No stunty cup
Road to the NAF Championship 2017: SkavenLordVinshqueek
Speed Bowl 1: No stunty cup
Europen Online: No stunty cup

Online NAF Rankings

Useful Links

The NAF website

Online NAF Rankings

The NAF forum

Online NAF Tournaments

The NAF Championship LIV

The NAF Blood Bowl World Cup

FUMBBL Quick start guide

Sann0638’s ‘How to’ FUMBBL videos

FUMBBL help section

A useful blog by Azure on online match scheduling etiquette

A GLN article on the future of online NAF events


Q: Who are the NAF?
A: Click on the 'NAF' tab above and find out!

Q: What are Online NAF tournaments?
A: Online NAF aims to reproduce tournaments a NAF member may have attended on tabletop here on FUMBBL. Online NAF tournaments are open to all, members and non-members, and a number of shiny, physical prizes are up for grabs.

Q: When are the online NAF Rankings happening?
A: Part of the rankings are uploaded and can be found here

Q: What about format X?
A: We are always up for ideas, and you never know, format X might be in the pipeline! Remember - tournament functionality is open to everyone, so you can always have a go yourself in the mean time.

Q: I organise a tabletop NAF tournament. Can we speak about doing something online?
A: Sure! Contact Stimme or Neilwat. They are happy to hear from you.

Q: Can I help staff Online NAF tournaments?
A: We've a great team looking after Online NAF, but we're always interested in hearing from volunteers.

Tournament groups: European / Oceanic / North American.