
We haven't had a SECRET SLAM in a while. Shall we try Saturday 30 June, 20:00 server time? (2PM EDT, 11AM PDT, 7PM London) Tentatively focusing on Featherweight (<1100), Welterweight (<1400), Cruiserweight (<2000)... but entirely driven by who brings what to the table. Join us on the
secret league discord channel on Saturday. Fifteen minutes before we start, the join queue will be cleared and we'll start accepting teams in the
SLAM QUEUE. Come on out!

Time is getting close for kickoff of the Secret League training ground. Got a team that washed out of the Old World Rookie Rumble? Have a team that doesn't have ANY games under it's belt yet, and wanna get'em fit? Come on out to the first season of the [SL] Training Grounds. Don't wait! Sign up today!
and speaking of the OWRR
Bring your Secret League Open rookie teams and RUMBLE!!
Have you been thinking about getting involved in the hot Secret League Action? Get'em off to a stellar start in the ROOKIE RUMBLE.
Any ROOKIE team from SLO can apply. New teams only!
Read about teams here,
to make your team click here.
After your team is complete apply to this group.
The event will kick off when we have sixteen teams.
Each round is 10 days, though try and get the played quicker please.
Only teams created at the Secret League Open group may take part, only six more teams/coaches needed for the next tournament. Don't miss out, come join us.